Source code for sharppy.databases.pwv

from sharppy.sharptab import params
from import loadCSV

from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
import os
import logging

## written by Greg Blumberg - CIMMS
## and
## Kelton Halbert - University of Oklahoma

[docs]def get_mean_pwv(station): ''' Function to get the mean precipitable water vapor (inches) values for every month of the year, based on the station passed through. Parameters ---------- Staion: Can be the 4 letter station ID (i.e. KOUN), 3 letter station ID (i.e. OUN), or the 5 digit WMO ID (i.e. 72357). Returns ------- mean_pwv: 1D Array of float values corresponding to the mean PWV Jan - December. Written by Greg Blumberg and Kelton Halbert. ''' ## a rudimentary check to see what type of station identifier ## was passed through if station == None: return if len(station) == 4: id_index = 0 station = station.upper() elif len(station) == 3: id_index = 2 station = station.lower() elif len(station) == 5: id_index = 1 else: #print "Invalid station ID" return ## open the file, release the kraken! ## get the arrays of station IDs pwv_means = np.loadtxt(os.path.dirname( __file__) + '/PW-mean-inches.txt', skiprows=0, dtype=str, delimiter=',') sites = pwv_means[1:, id_index] ## get the index of the user supplied station - add 1 to account for the header station_idx = np.where( sites == station )[0] if len(station_idx) == 0: mean_pwv = else: station_idx = station_idx + 1 ## get the PWV mean_pwv = pwv_means[station_idx, 3:][0].astype(np.float) return mean_pwv
[docs]def get_stdev_pwv(station): ''' Function to get the standard deviation from the mean precipitable water vapor (inches) values for every month of the year, based on the station passed through. Parameters ---------- Staion: Can be the 4 letter station ID (i.e. KOUN), 3 letter station ID (i.e. OUN), or the 5 digit WMO ID (i.e. 72357). Returns ------- stdev_pwv: 1D Array of float values corresponding to the standard deviation from the mean PWV Jan - December. Written by Greg Blumberg and Kelton Halbert. ''' ## a rudimentary check to see what type of station identifier ## was passed through if station == None: return 0 if len(station) == 4: id_index = 0 station = station.upper() elif len(station) == 3: id_index = 2 station = station.lower() elif len(station) == 5: id_index = 1 else: #print "Invalid station ID" return ## open the file, release the kraken! ## get the arrays of station IDs pwv_stdevs = np.loadtxt(os.path.dirname( __file__) + '/PW-stdev-inches.txt', skiprows=0, dtype=str, delimiter=',') sites = pwv_stdevs[1:, id_index] ## get the index of the user supplied station - add 1 to account for the header station_idx = np.where( sites == station )[0] if len(station_idx) == 0: stdev_pwv = else: station_idx = station_idx + 1 ## get the PWV stdev_pwv = pwv_stdevs[station_idx, 3:][0].astype(np.float) return stdev_pwv
[docs]def pwv_climo(prof, station, month=None): ''' month is an integer from 1-12 station_id_3 is the station ID (lower case) prof is the profile object This function uses the PWV climatology databases provided by Matt Bunkers (NWS/UNR) and accepts a SHARPPY profile object, the station name, and the month and returns to the user a number indicating where in the distribution the profile's PWV value lies. This function is used in SHARPPY to help provide the user climatological context of the PWV index they are viewing. x can equal 0, 1, 2, or 3 If the returned value is x, the PWV lies outside +x standard deviations of the mean If the returned value is -x, the PWV lies outside -x standard deviations of the mean If the returned value is 0, the PWV lies within 1 standard deviation of the mean Written by Greg Blumberg and Kelton Halbert. ''' if not month: month = # Calculate the PWV up to 300 mb so it's consistent with the PWV Climo pwv_300 = params.precip_water(prof, pbot=None, ptop=300) # pwv_300 needs to be in inches (if it isn't already) # Load in the PWV mean and standard deviations pwv_means = get_mean_pwv(station) pwv_stds = get_stdev_pwv(station) if pwv_means is return 0 elif pwv_means is None: return 0 month_mean = float(pwv_means[month-1]) month_std = float(pwv_stds[month-1]) sigma_1 = (month_mean - month_std, month_mean + month_std) sigma_2 = (month_mean - (2.*month_std), month_mean + (2.*month_std)) sigma_3 = (month_mean - (3.*month_std), month_mean + (3.*month_std)) if len(np.where(pwv_300 > sigma_3[1])[0]) > 0: # Means the PWV value is outside +3 sigma of the distribution flag = 3 elif len(np.where(pwv_300 < sigma_3[0])[0]) > 0: # Means the PWV value is outside -3 sigma of the distribution flag = -3 elif len(np.where(pwv_300 > sigma_2[1])[0]) > 0: # Means the PWV value is outside +2 sigma of the distribution flag = 2 elif len(np.where(pwv_300 < sigma_2[0])[0]) > 0: # Means the PWV value is outside -2 sigma of the distribution flag = -2 elif len(np.where(pwv_300 > sigma_1[1])[0]) > 0: # Means the PWV value is outside +1 sigma of the distribution flag = 1 elif len(np.where(pwv_300 < sigma_1[0])[0]) > 0: # Means the PWV value is outside -1 sigma of the distribution flag = -1 else: # Means that the PWV value is within 1 sigma of the distribution flag = 0 return flag
[docs]class PWDatabase(object): def __init__(self, data_path=os.path.dirname(__file__)): self._pwv_mn_fields, self._pwv_mn = loadCSV(os.path.join(data_path, 'PW-mean-inches.txt')) self._pwv_st_fields, self._pwv_st = loadCSV(os.path.join(data_path, 'PW-stdev-inches.txt')) stn_fields, stns = loadCSV(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'datasources', 'spc_ua.csv')) stn_ids = [ stn['icao'] for stn in stns ] for idx in range(len(self._pwv_mn)): try: stn_idx = stn_ids.index(self._pwv_mn['SITE']) self._pwv_mn['lat'] = stns[stn_idx]['lat'] self._pwv_mn['lon'] = stns[stn_idx]['lon'] self._pwv_st['lat'] = stns[stn_idx]['lat'] self._pwv_st['lon'] = stns[stn_idx]['lon'] except IndexError as e: logging.exception(e) pass
[docs] def getStddev(self, stddev, loc, month=None): pass
[docs] def getClimo(self, loc, month=None): pass
def _triangleInterp(self, lat, lon, pt_lats, pt_lons, pt_vals, tris): tri_lats = pt_lats[tris].T tri_lons = pt_lons[tris].T tri_areas = 0.5 * (-tri_lats[1] * tri_lons[2] + tri_lats[0] * (tri_lons[2] - tri_lons[1]) + tri_lons[0] * (tri_lats[1] - tri_lats[2]) + tri_lons[1] * tri_lats[2]) s = 1. / (2. * tri_areas) * (tri_lats[0] * tri_lons[2] - tri_lons[0] * tri_lats[2] + (tri_lats[2] - tri_lats[0]) * lon + (tri_lons[0] - tri_lons[2]) * lat) t = 1. / (2. * tri_areas) * (tri_lons[0] * tri_lats[1] - tri_lats[0] * tri_lons[1] + (tri_lats[0] - tri_lats[1]) * lon + (tri_lons[1] - tri_lons[0]) * lat) tris_select = np.where((s >= 0) & (t >= 0) & (1 - s - t >= 0))[0] if len(tris_select) == 0: val = None else: tri = tris_select[0] tri_vals = pt_vals[tris[tri]] val = s[tri] * tri_vals[1] + t[tri] * tri_vals[2] + (1 - s[tri] - t[tri]) * tri_vals[0] return val