import sys
import numpy as np
import datetime as dattim
import sharppy.sharptab.utils as utils
from sharppy.sharptab.constants import *
import sharppy.sharptab.thermo as thermo
import sharppy.sharptab.profile as profile
import sharppy.sharptab.prof_collection as prof_collection
from datetime import datetime
from import Decoder
from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
from io import StringIO
__fmtname__ = "wrf-arw"
__classname__ = "ARWDecoder"
[docs]class ARWDecoder(Decoder):
def __init__(self, file_name):
super(ARWDecoder, self).__init__(file_name)
def _downloadFile(self):
Overwrite the parent class version of _downloadFile.
Open the netCDF file and return an exception if no
file is found. The netCDF4 library will automatically
distinguish between a URL and local file.
## check to make sure that the netCDF4 library is installed
from netCDF4 import Dataset
data = Dataset(self._file_name[0])
return data
except (ImportError):
print("No netCDF install found. Cannot read netCDF file.")
except (RuntimeError):
print("No such file found")
def _find_nearest_point(self, ncfile, lon, lat):
Locate the nearest model grid point to the location
passed through to the decoder using the formula for
calculating the distance between points on a sphere.
Code modified from existing code given by Nick Szapiro
at the University of Oklahoma.
## convert the map lat/lon into radians
lon = np.radians(lon)
lat = np.radians(lat)
## open the netCDF file from the WRF-ARW and convert
## its grid points into radians
gridlons = np.radians(ncfile.variables["XLONG"][0])
gridlats = np.radians(ncfile.variables["XLAT"][0])
## difference between points
dlat = gridlats - lat
dlon = gridlons - lon
## latitude term of the distance equation
latTerm = np.sin(0.5*dlat)
latTerm = np.power(latTerm, 2)
## longitude term of the distance equation
lonTerm = np.sin(0.5*dlon)
lonTerm = np.power(lonTerm, 2) * np.cos(lat) * np.cos(gridlats)
## we assume a radius of 1 on the unit circle
dAngle = np.sqrt(latTerm+lonTerm)
dist = 2.*1.0*np.arcsin(dAngle)
## find the smalled distance and return the index
idx = np.where( dist == dist.min() )
return idx
def _parse(self):
Parse the netCDF file according to the variable naming and
dimmensional conventions of the WRF-ARW.
## open the file and also store the lat/lon of the selected point
file_data = self._downloadFile()
gridx = self._file_name[1]
gridy = self._file_name[2]
## calculate the nearest grid point to the map point
idx = self._find_nearest_point(file_data, gridx, gridy)
## check to see if this is a 4D netCDF4 that includes all available times.
## If it does, open and compute the variables as 4D variables
if len(file_data.variables["T"][:].shape) == 4:
## read in the data from the WRF file and conduct necessary processing
theta = file_data.variables["T"][:, :, idx[0], idx[1]] + 300.0
qvapr = file_data.variables["QVAPOR"][:, :, idx[0], idx[1]] * 10**3 #g/kg
mpres = (file_data.variables["P"][:, :, idx[0], idx[1]] + file_data.variables["PB"][:, :, idx[0], idx[1]]) * .01
mhght = file_data.variables["PH"][:, :, idx[0], idx[1]] + file_data.variables["PHB"][:, :, idx[0], idx[1]] / G
## unstagger the height grid
mhght = ( mhght[:, :-1, :, :] + mhght[:, 1:, :, :] ) / 2.
muwin = file_data.variables["U"][:, :, idx[0], idx[1]]
mvwin = file_data.variables["V"][:, :, idx[0], idx[1]]
## convert the potential temperature to air temperature
mtmpc = thermo.theta(1000.0, theta - 273.15, p2=mpres)
## convert the mixing ratio to dewpoint
mdwpc = thermo.temp_at_mixrat(qvapr, mpres)
## convert the grid relative wind to earth relative
U = muwin*file_data.variables['COSALPHA'][0, idx[0], idx[1]] - mvwin*file_data.variables['SINALPHA'][0, idx[0], idx[1]]
V = mvwin*file_data.variables['COSALPHA'][0, idx[0], idx[1]] + muwin*file_data.variables['SINALPHA'][0, idx[0], idx[1]]
## convert from m/s to kts
muwin = utils.MS2KTS(U)
mvwin = utils.MS2KTS(V)
## if the data is not 4D, then it must be assumed that this is a file containing only a single time
## read in the data from the WRF file and conduct necessary processing
theta = file_data.variables["T"][:, idx[0], idx[1]] + 300.0
qvapr = file_data.variables["QVAPOR"][:, idx[0], idx[1]] * 10**3 #g/kg
mpres = (file_data.variables["P"][:, idx[0], idx[1]] + file_data.variables["PB"][:, idx[0], idx[1]]) * .01
mhght = file_data.variables["PH"][:, idx[0], idx[1]] + file_data.variables["PHB"][:, idx[0], idx[1]] / G
## unstagger the height grid
mhght = ( mhght[:-1, :, :] + mhght[1:, :, :] ) / 2.
muwin = file_data.variables["U"][:, idx[0], idx[1]]
mvwin = file_data.variables["V"][:, idx[0], idx[1]]
## convert the potential temperature to air temperature
mtmpc = thermo.theta(1000.0, theta - 273.15, p2=mpres)
## convert the mixing ratio to dewpoint
mdwpc = thermo.temp_at_mixrat(qvapr, mpres)
## convert the grid relative wind to earth relative
U = muwin*file_data.variables['COSALPHA'][0, idx[0], idx[1]] - mvwin*file_data.variables['SINALPHA'][0, idx[0], idx[1]]
V = mvwin*file_data.variables['COSALPHA'][0, idx[0], idx[1]] + muwin*file_data.variables['SINALPHA'][0, idx[0], idx[1]]
## convert from m/s to kts
muwin = utils.MS2KTS(U)
mvwin = utils.MS2KTS(V)
## get the model start time of the file
inittime = dattim.datetime.strptime( str( file_data.START_DATE ), '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S')
profiles = []
dates = []
## loop over the available times
for i in range(file_data.variables["T"][:].shape[0]):
## make sure the arrays are 1D
prof_pres = mpres[i].flatten()
prof_hght = mhght[i].flatten()
prof_tmpc = mtmpc[i].flatten()
prof_dwpc = mdwpc[i].flatten()
prof_uwin = muwin[i].flatten()
prof_vwin = mvwin[i].flatten()
## compute the time of the profile
delta = dattim.timedelta( minutes=int(file_data.variables["XTIME"][i]) )
curtime = inittime + delta
except KeyError:
var = ''.join(np.asarray(file_data.variables['Times'][i], dtype=str))
curtime = dattim.datetime.strptime(var, '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S')
date_obj = curtime
## construct the profile object
prof = profile.create_profile(profile="raw", pres=prof_pres,
hght=prof_hght, tmpc=prof_tmpc, dwpc=prof_dwpc, u=prof_uwin, v=prof_vwin,
location=str(gridx) + "," + str(gridy), date=date_obj, missing=-999.0,
latitude=gridy, strictQC=False)
## append the dates and profiles
## create a profile collection - dictionary has no key since this
## is not an ensemble model
prof_coll = prof_collection.ProfCollection({'':profiles}, dates)
return prof_coll
if __name__ == '__main__':
file = ARWDecoder(("/Users/blumberg/Downloads/", -97, 35))