import sharppy.sharptab.profile as profile
import sharppy.sharptab.prof_collection as prof_collection
from .decoder import Decoder
from datetime import datetime
__fmtname__ = "uwyo"
__classname__ = "UWYODecoder"
[docs]class UWYODecoder(Decoder):
MISSING = -9999.00
def __init__(self, file_name):
super(UWYODecoder, self).__init__(file_name)
def _parse(self):
file_data = self._downloadFile()
snfile = [l for l in file_data.split('\n')]
bgn = -1
end = -1
ttl = -1
stl = -1
for i in range(len(snfile)):
if snfile[i] == "<PRE>":
bgn = i+5
if snfile[i][:10] == "</PRE><H3>":
end = i-1
if snfile[i][:4] == "<H2>" and snfile[i][-5:] == "</H2>":
ttl = i
if 'Station latitude' in snfile[i]:
stl = i
if bgn == -1 or end == -1 or ttl == -1:
raise IOError("Looks like the server had difficulty handling the request. Try again in a few minutes.")
snd_data = []
for i in range(bgn, end+1):
vals = []
for j in [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 ]:
val = snfile[i][(7 * j):(7 * (j + 1))].strip()
if val == "":
col_names = ['pres', 'hght', 'tmpc', 'dwpc', 'wdir', 'wspd']
snd_dict = dict((v, p) for v, p in zip(col_names, list(zip(*snd_data))))
snd_date = datetime.strptime(snfile[ttl][-20:-5], "%HZ %d %b %Y")
loc = snfile[ttl][10:14]
if stl == -1:
lat = 35.
lat = float(snfile[stl].split(':')[-1].strip())
prof = profile.create_profile(profile='raw', location=loc, date=snd_date, latitude=lat, missing=UWYODecoder.MISSING, **snd_dict)
prof_coll = prof_collection.ProfCollection(
{'':[ prof ]},
[ snd_date ],
prof_coll.setMeta('loc', loc)
prof_coll.setMeta('observed', True)
return prof_coll
#if __name__ == "__main__":