Source code for sharppy.sharptab.prof_collection

from __future__ import absolute_import

import sharppy.sharptab.profile as profile
import sharppy.sharptab.interp as interp
from sutils.frozenutils import Process, Queue
import platform
import numpy as np

[docs]def doCopy(target_type, prof, idx, pipe): pipe.put((target_type.copy(prof), idx))
[docs]class ProfCollection(object): """ ProfCollection: A class to keep track of profiles from a single data source. Handles time switching, ensemble member switching, and modifications to profiles. """ def __init__(self, profiles, dates, target_type=profile.ConvectiveProfile, **kwargs): """ Initialize the collection. profiles: A dictionary of lists of profiles. The keys of the dictionary are the ensemble member names, the values are lists of profiles for those members over time. dates: A list of datetime objects corresponding to the times for each element of the lists in profiles. target_type: The type to copy the profiles to when requested. Default is a ConvectiveProfile. **kwargs: Metadata for the profile. """ self._profs = profiles self._dates = dates self._meta = kwargs self._target_type = target_type self._highlight = kwargs.get('highlight', list(profiles.keys())[0]) self._prof_idx = 0 self._analog_date = None self._mod_therm = [ False for d in self._dates ] self._mod_wind = [ False for d in self._dates ] self._interp = [ False for d in self._dates ] self._orig_profs = {} self._interp_profs = {} self._async = None self._cancel_copy = False self._procs = []
[docs] def subset(self, idxs): """ Subset the profile collection over time. idxs: The time indices to include in the subsetted collection. """ def extract_profile_indexes(prof): prof_indexed = [] for idx in idxs: try: prof_indexed.append(prof[idx]) except IndexError: pass return prof_indexed profiles = dict( (mem, extract_profile_indexes(prof)) for mem, prof in self._profs.items() ) dates = [ self._dates[idx] for idx in idxs ] return ProfCollection(profiles, dates, highlight=self._highlight, **self._meta)
def _backgroundCopy(self, member, max_procs=2): """ Copies the profile objects in the background while the user can continue to do things. This upgrades the project object types from Profile to ConvectiveProfile via the _target_type variable. member: the key indicating a specific member max_procs: max number of processors to perform this action """ pipe = Queue(max_procs) for idx, prof in enumerate(self._profs[member]): proc = Process(target=doCopy, args=(self._target_type, prof, idx, pipe)) proc.start() self._procs.append(proc) if (idx % max_procs) == 0 or idx == len(self._profs[member]) - 1: for proc in self._procs: if platform.system() != "Windows": # Windows hangs here for some reason, but runs fine without it. proc.join() prof, copy_idx = pipe.get() self._profs[member][copy_idx] = prof self._procs = [] return
[docs] def setAsync(self, async_obj): """ Start an asynchronous process to load objects of type 'target_type' in the background. Used to upgrade the Profile objects to ConvectiveProfile objects in the background async: An AsyncThreads instance. """ self._async = async_obj, None, self._highlight)
[docs] def cancelCopy(self): """ Terminates any threads that are running in the background. """ for proc in self._procs: proc.terminate() if self._async is not None: self._async.clearQueue()
[docs] def getMeta(self, key, index=False): """ Returns metadata about the profile. key: What metadata to return. index [optional]: If true, treat the metadata as an array with the same length as dates passed in the constructor. Returns value of that array at this time index.. """ meta = self._meta[key] if index: meta = meta[self._prof_idx] return meta
[docs] def getCurrentDate(self): """ Returns the current date in the profile object """ if not self.hasCurrentProf(): return return self._dates[self._prof_idx]
[docs] def getHighlightedProf(self): """ Returns which profile is highlighted. """ if not self.hasCurrentProf(): return cur_prof = self._profs[self._highlight][self._prof_idx] # If the currently selected profile is not of the target_type (e.g., ConvectiveProfile), then # then upgrade it via the copy function. if type(cur_prof) != self._target_type: self._profs[self._highlight][self._prof_idx] = self._target_type.copy(cur_prof) return self._profs[self._highlight][self._prof_idx]
[docs] def getCurrentProfs(self): """ Returns the profiles at the current time. """ if not self.hasCurrentProf(): return {} for mem, profs in self._profs.items(): # Copy the profiles on the fly try: cur_prof = profs[self._prof_idx] except IndexError: continue else: if mem == self._highlight and type(cur_prof) != self._target_type: self._profs[mem][self._prof_idx] = self._target_type.copy(cur_prof) elif type(cur_prof) not in [ profile.BasicProfile, self._target_type ]: self._profs[mem][self._prof_idx] = profile.BasicProfile.copy(cur_prof) profs = dict( (mem, profs[self._prof_idx]) for mem, profs in self._profs.items() if len(profs) > self._prof_idx ) return profs
[docs] def getAnalogDate(self): """ If this is an analog, return the date of the analog. Otherwise, returns None. """ return self._analog_date
[docs] def isModified(self): """ Returns True if the profiles at the current time have been modified. Returns False otherwise. """ if not self.hasCurrentProf(): return False return self._mod_therm[self._prof_idx] or self._mod_wind[self._prof_idx]
[docs] def isInterpolated(self): """ Returns True if the profiles at the current time have been modified. Returns False otherwise. """ if not self.hasCurrentProf(): return False return self._interp[self._prof_idx]
[docs] def isEnsemble(self): """ Returns True if this collection has multiple ensemble members. Otherwise, returns False. """ return len(list(self._profs.keys())) > 1
[docs] def hasCurrentProf(self): """ Returns True if the collection has a profile at the current time. Otherwise, returns False. """ return self._prof_idx >= 0
[docs] def hasMeta(self, key): """ Returns True if the collection has metadata corresponding to 'key'. Otherwise returns False. """ return key in self._meta
[docs] def setMeta(self, key, value): """ Sets the metadata 'key' to 'value'. """ self._meta[key] = value
[docs] def setHighlightedMember(self, member_name): """ Sets the highlighted ensemble member to be 'member_name'. """ self._highlight = member_name
[docs] def getHighlightedMemberName(self): """ Gets the name of the member that is currently highlighted. """ return self._highlight
[docs] def setCurrentDate(self, cur_dt): """ Sets the current date to be 'cur_dt'. cur_dt: A datetime object specifiying which date to set it to. """ try: self._prof_idx = self._dates.index(cur_dt) except ValueError: pass
[docs] def setAnalogToDate(self, analog_to_date): """ Specify that this collection represents an analog; the date is set to 'analog_to_date', and the analog date is set to the former date. analog_to_date: A datetime object that specifies the date to which this collection is an analog. """ self._analog_date = self._dates[0] self._dates = [ analog_to_date ]
[docs] def advanceTime(self, direction): """ Advance time in a direction specified by 'direction'. Returns a datetime object containing the new time. direction: An integer (ether 1 or -1) specifying which direction to move time in. 1 moves time forward, -1 moves time backward. """ length = len(self._dates) if direction > 0 and self._prof_idx == length - 1: self._prof_idx = 0 elif direction < 0 and self._prof_idx == 0: self._prof_idx = length - 1 else: self._prof_idx += direction return self._dates[self._prof_idx]
[docs] def advanceHighlight(self, direction): """ Change which member is highlighted. direction: An integer (either 1 or -1) specifying which direction to go in the list. The list is in alphabetical order, so the members will be gone through in that order. """ mem_names = sorted(self._profs.keys()) high_idx = mem_names.index(self._highlight) length = len(mem_names) def doAdvance(adv_idx): if direction > 0 and adv_idx == length - 1: adv_idx = 0 elif direction < 0 and adv_idx == 0: adv_idx = length - 1 else: adv_idx = adv_idx + direction return adv_idx adv_idx = doAdvance(high_idx) highlight = mem_names[adv_idx] while len(self._profs[highlight]) <= self._prof_idx: adv_idx = doAdvance(adv_idx) highlight = mem_names[adv_idx] self._highlight = highlight
[docs] def defineUserParcel(self, parcel): """ Defines a custom parcel for the current profile. parcel: A parcel object to use as the custom parcel. """ if self.hasCurrentProf(): self._profs[self._highlight][self._prof_idx].usrpcl = parcel
[docs] def modify(self, idx, **kwargs): """ Modify the profile at the current time. idx: The vertical index to modify **kwargs: The variables to modify ('tmpc', 'dwpc', 'u', or 'v') TODO: Allow modification of layers. Could be that idx is -999 for layer and kwargs passes information about the layers to be modified. """ if self.isEnsemble(): raise ValueError("Can't modify ensemble profiles") prof = self._profs[self._highlight][self._prof_idx] # Save original, if one hasn't already been saved if self._prof_idx not in self._orig_profs: self._orig_profs[self._prof_idx] = prof cls = type(prof) # Copy the variables to be modified prof_vars = dict( (k, prof.__dict__[k].copy()) for k in kwargs.keys() if k != 'idx_range') if idx != -999: # Do the modification for var, val in kwargs.items(): prof_vars[var][idx] = val else: idx = kwargs.get('idx_range') for key in prof_vars.keys(): prof_vars[key] = kwargs.get(key) # Make a copy of the profile object with the newly modified variables inserted. self._profs[self._highlight][self._prof_idx] = cls.copy(prof, **prof_vars) # Update bookkeeping if 'tmpc' in kwargs or 'dwpc' in kwargs: self._mod_therm[self._prof_idx] = True if 'u' in kwargs or 'v' in kwargs or 'wdir' in kwargs or 'wspd' in kwargs: self._mod_wind[self._prof_idx] = True
[docs] def modifyStormMotion(self, deviant, vec_u, vec_v): if deviant == 'left': self._profs[self._highlight][self._prof_idx].set_srleft(vec_u, vec_v) elif deviant == 'right': self._profs[self._highlight][self._prof_idx].set_srright(vec_u, vec_v)
[docs] def resetStormMotion(self): self._profs[self._highlight][self._prof_idx].reset_srm()
[docs] def interp(self, dp=-25): """ Interpolate the profile object to a specific pressure level spacing. """ if self.isEnsemble(): raise ValueError("Cannot interpolate the ensemble profiles.") prof = self._profs[self._highlight][self._prof_idx] # Save original, if one hasn't already been saved if self._prof_idx not in self._orig_profs: self._orig_profs[self._prof_idx] = prof cls = type(prof) # Copy the tmpc, dwpc, etc. profiles to be inteprolated keys = ['tmpc', 'dwpc', 'hght', 'wspd', 'wdir', 'omeg'] prof_vars = {'pres': np.arange(prof.pres[prof.sfc], prof.pres[], dp)} prof_vars['tmpc'] = interp.temp(prof, prof_vars['pres']) prof_vars['dwpc'] = interp.dwpt(prof, prof_vars['pres']) prof_vars['hght'] = interp.hght(prof, prof_vars['pres']) if prof.omeg.all() is not prof_vars['omeg'] = interp.omeg(prof, prof_vars['pres']) else: prof_vars['omeg'] =['pres'], mask=np.ones(len(prof_vars['pres']), dtype=int)) u, v = interp.components(prof, prof_vars['pres']) prof_vars['u'] = u prof_vars['v'] = v interp_prof = cls.copy(prof, **prof_vars) self._profs[self._highlight][self._prof_idx] = interp_prof # Save the original like in modify() if self._prof_idx not in self._interp_profs: self._interp_profs[self._prof_idx] = interp_prof # Update bookkeeping self._interp[self._prof_idx] = True
[docs] def resetModification(self, *args): """ Reset the profile to its original state. *args: The variables to reset ('tmpc', 'dwpc', 'u', or 'v'). """ if not self._prof_idx in self._orig_profs: return if self._interp[self._prof_idx]: orig_prof = self._interp_profs[self._prof_idx] else: orig_prof = self._orig_profs[self._prof_idx] prof = self._profs[self._highlight][self._prof_idx] cls = type(prof) # Get the original variables prof_vars = dict( (k, orig_prof.__dict__[k]) for k in args ) # Make a copy of the profile object with the original variables inserted self._profs[self._highlight][self._prof_idx] = cls.copy(prof, **prof_vars) # Update bookkeeping if 'tmpc' in args or 'dwpc' in args: self._mod_therm[self._prof_idx] = False if 'u' in args or 'v' in args or 'wdir' in args or 'wspd' in args: self._mod_wind[self._prof_idx] = False if not self.isModified() and not self.isInterpolated(): del self._orig_profs[self._prof_idx]
[docs] def resetInterpolation(self): if not self._prof_idx in self._interp_profs: return self._profs[self._highlight][self._prof_idx] = self._orig_profs[self._prof_idx] prof = self._profs[self._highlight][self._prof_idx] # print dict( (k, prof.__dict__[k].shape[0]) for k in [ 'pres', 'hght', 'tmpc', 'dwpc', 'u', 'v' ]) del self._orig_profs[self._prof_idx] del self._interp_profs[self._prof_idx] self._mod_wind[self._prof_idx] = False self._mod_therm[self._prof_idx] = False self._interp[self._prof_idx] = False