Source code for sharppy.sharptab.thermo

''' Thermodynamic Library '''
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import as ma
from sharppy.sharptab.utils import *
from sharppy.sharptab.constants import *

__all__ = ['drylift', 'thalvl', 'lcltemp', 'theta', 'wobf']
__all__ += ['satlift', 'wetlift', 'lifted', 'vappres', 'mixratio']
__all__ += ['temp_at_mixrat', 'wetbulb', 'thetaw', 'thetae']
__all__ += ['virtemp', 'relh']
__all__ += ['ftoc', 'ctof', 'ctok', 'ktoc', 'ftok', 'ktof']

# Constants Used
c1 = 0.0498646455 ; c2 = 2.4082965 ; c3 = 7.07475
c4 = 38.9114 ; c5 = 0.0915 ; c6 = 1.2035
eps = 0.62197

[docs]def drylift(p, t, td): ''' Lifts a parcel to the LCL and returns its new level and temperature. Parameters ---------- p : number, numpy array Pressure of initial parcel in hPa t : number, numpy array Temperature of inital parcel in C td : number, numpy array Dew Point of initial parcel in C Returns ------- p2 : number, numpy array LCL pressure in hPa t2 : number, numpy array LCL Temperature in C ''' t2 = lcltemp(t, td) p2 = thalvl(theta(p, t, 1000.), t2) return p2, t2
[docs]def lcltemp(t, td): ''' Returns the temperature (C) of a parcel when raised to its LCL. Parameters ---------- t : number, numpy array Temperature of the parcel (C) td : number, numpy array Dewpoint temperature of the parcel (C) Returns ------- Temperature (C) of the parcel at it's LCL. ''' s = t - td dlt = s * (1.2185 + 0.001278 * t + s * (-0.00219 + 1.173e-5 * s - 0.0000052 * t)) return t - dlt
[docs]def thalvl(theta, t): ''' Returns the level (hPa) of a parcel. Parameters ---------- theta : number, numpy array Potential temperature of the parcel (C) t : number, numpy array Temperature of the parcel (C) Returns ------- Pressure Level (hPa [float]) of the parcel ''' t = t + ZEROCNK theta = theta + ZEROCNK return 1000. / (np.power((theta / t),(1./ROCP)))
[docs]def theta(p, t, p2=1000.): ''' Returns the potential temperature (C) of a parcel. Parameters ---------- p : number, numpy array The pressure of the parcel (hPa) t : number, numpy array Temperature of the parcel (C) p2 : number, numpy array (default 1000.) Reference pressure level (hPa) Returns ------- Potential temperature (C) ''' return ((t + ZEROCNK) * np.power((p2 / p),ROCP)) - ZEROCNK
[docs]def thetaw(p, t, td): ''' Returns the wetbulb potential temperature (C) of a parcel. Parameters ---------- p : number The pressure of the parcel (hPa) t : number Temperature of the parcel (C) td : number Dew point of parcel (C) Returns ------- Wetbulb potential temperature (C) ''' p2, t2 = drylift(p, t, td) return wetlift(p2, t2, 1000.)
[docs]def thetae(p, t, td): ''' Returns the equivalent potential temperature (C) of a parcel. Parameters ---------- p : number The pressure of the parcel (hPa) t : number Temperature of the parcel (C) td : number Dew point of parcel (C) Returns ------- Equivalent potential temperature (C) ''' p2, t2 = drylift(p, t, td) return theta(100., wetlift(p2, t2, 100.), 1000.)
[docs]def virtemp(p, t, td): ''' Returns the virtual temperature (C) of a parcel. If td is masked, then it returns the temperature passed to the function. Parameters ---------- p : number The pressure of the parcel (hPa) t : number Temperature of the parcel (C) td : number Dew point of parcel (C) Returns ------- Virtual temperature (C) ''' tk = t + ZEROCNK w = 0.001 * mixratio(p, td) vt = (tk * (1. + w / eps) / (1. + w)) - ZEROCNK if not QC(vt): return t else: return vt
[docs]def relh(p, t, td): ''' Returns the virtual temperature (C) of a parcel. Parameters ---------- p : number The pressure of the parcel (hPa) t : number Temperature of the parcel (C) td : number Dew point of parcel (C) Returns ------- Relative humidity (%) of a parcel ''' return 100. * vappres(td)/vappres(t) #$mixratio(p, td) / mixratio(p, t)
def temp_at_vappres(e): ''' Returns the temperature (C) given a vapor pressure value (hPa). Parameters ---------- e : number The vapor pressure of a parcel (hPa) Returns ------- Temperature (C) of a parcel. ''' L = (2.5*10.**6) R_v = 461.5 T_o = 273.15 e_so = 6.11 a = (L/R_v) b = (1./T_o) return ktoc(np.power( (-1.) * ((1./a)*np.log(e/e_so) - b), -1))
[docs]def wobf(t): ''' Implementation of the Wobus Function for computing the moist adiabats. .. caution:: The Wobus function has been found to have a slight pressure dependency (Davies-Jones 2008). This dependency is not included in this implementation. Parameters ---------- t : number, numpy array Temperature (C) Returns ------- Correction to theta (C) for calculation of saturated potential temperature. ''' t = t - 20 try: # If t is a scalar if t is return t if t <= 0: npol = 1. + t * (-8.841660499999999e-3 + t * ( 1.4714143e-4 + t * (-9.671989000000001e-7 + t * (-3.2607217e-8 + t * (-3.8598073e-10))))) npol = 15.13 / (np.power(npol,4)) return npol else: ppol = t * (4.9618922e-07 + t * (-6.1059365e-09 + t * (3.9401551e-11 + t * (-1.2588129e-13 + t * (1.6688280e-16))))) ppol = 1 + t * (3.6182989e-03 + t * (-1.3603273e-05 + ppol)) ppol = (29.93 / np.power(ppol,4)) + (0.96 * t) - 14.8 return ppol except ValueError: # If t is an array npol = 1. + t * (-8.841660499999999e-3 + t * ( 1.4714143e-4 + t * (-9.671989000000001e-7 + t * (-3.2607217e-8 + t * (-3.8598073e-10))))) npol = 15.13 / (np.power(npol,4)) ppol = t * (4.9618922e-07 + t * (-6.1059365e-09 + t * (3.9401551e-11 + t * (-1.2588129e-13 + t * (1.6688280e-16))))) ppol = 1 + t * (3.6182989e-03 + t * (-1.3603273e-05 + ppol)) ppol = (29.93 / np.power(ppol,4)) + (0.96 * t) - 14.8 correction = np.zeros(t.shape, dtype=np.float64) correction[t <= 0] = npol[t <= 0] correction[t > 0] = ppol[t > 0] return correction
[docs]def satlift(p, thetam, conv=0.1): ''' Returns the temperature (C) of a saturated parcel (thm) when lifted to a new pressure level (hPa) .. caution:: Testing of the SHARPpy parcel lifting routines has revealed that the convergence criteria used the SHARP version (and implemented here) may cause drifting the pseudoadiabat to occasionally "drift" when high-resolution radiosonde data is used. While a stricter convergence criteria (e.g. 0.01) has shown to resolve this problem, it creates a noticable departure from the SPC CAPE values and therefore may decalibrate the other SHARPpy functions (e.g. SARS). Parameters ---------- p : number Pressure to which parcel is raised (hPa) thetam : number Saturated Potential Temperature of parcel (C) conv : number Convergence criteria for satlift() (C) Returns ------- Temperature (C) of saturated parcel at new level ''' try: # If p and thetam are scalars if np.fabs(p - 1000.) - 0.001 <= 0: return thetam eor = 999 while np.fabs(eor) - conv > 0: if eor == 999: # First Pass pwrp = np.power((p / 1000.),ROCP) t1 = (thetam + ZEROCNK) * pwrp - ZEROCNK e1 = wobf(t1) - wobf(thetam) rate = 1 else: # Successive Passes rate = (t2 - t1) / (e2 - e1) t1 = t2 e1 = e2 t2 = t1 - (e1 * rate) e2 = (t2 + ZEROCNK) / pwrp - ZEROCNK e2 += wobf(t2) - wobf(e2) - thetam eor = e2 * rate return t2 - eor except ValueError: # If p and thetam are arrays short = np.fabs(p - 1000.) - 0.001 <= 0 lft = np.where(short, thetam, 0) if np.all(short): return lft eor = 999 first_pass = True while np.fabs(np.min(eor)) - conv > 0: if first_pass: # First Pass pwrp = np.power((p[~short] / 1000.),ROCP) t1 = (thetam[~short] + ZEROCNK) * pwrp - ZEROCNK e1 = wobf(t1) - wobf(thetam[~short]) rate = 1 first_pass = False else: # Successive Passes rate = (t2 - t1) / (e2 - e1) t1 = t2 e1 = e2 t2 = t1 - (e1 * rate) e2 = (t2 + ZEROCNK) / pwrp - ZEROCNK e2 += wobf(t2) - wobf(e2) - thetam[~short] eor = e2 * rate lft[~short] = t2 - eor return lft
[docs]def wetlift(p, t, p2): ''' Lifts a parcel moist adiabatically to its new level. Parameters ----------- p : number Pressure of initial parcel (hPa) t : number Temperature of initial parcel (C) p2 : number Pressure of final level (hPa) Returns ------- Temperature (C) ''' #if p == p2: # return t thta = theta(p, t, 1000.) if thta is or p2 is return thetam = thta - wobf(thta) + wobf(t) return satlift(p2, thetam)
[docs]def lifted(p, t, td, lev): ''' Calculate temperature (C) of parcel (defined by p, t, td) lifted to the specified pressure level. Parameters ---------- p : number Pressure of initial parcel in hPa t : number Temperature of initial parcel in C td : number Dew Point of initial parcel in C lev : number Pressure to which parcel is lifted in hPa Returns ------- Temperature (C) of lifted parcel ''' p2, t2 = drylift(p, t, td) return wetlift(p2, t2, lev)
[docs]def vappres(t): ''' Returns the vapor pressure of dry air at given temperature Parameters ------ t : number, numpy array Temperature of the parcel (C) Returns ------- Vapor Pressure of dry air ''' pol = t * (1.1112018e-17 + (t * -3.0994571e-20)) pol = t * (2.1874425e-13 + (t * (-1.789232e-15 + pol))) pol = t * (4.3884180e-09 + (t * (-2.988388e-11 + pol))) pol = t * (7.8736169e-05 + (t * (-6.111796e-07 + pol))) pol = 0.99999683 + (t * (-9.082695e-03 + pol)) return 6.1078 / pol**8
[docs]def mixratio(p, t): ''' Returns the mixing ratio (g/kg) of a parcel Parameters ---------- p : number, numpy array Pressure of the parcel (hPa) t : number, numpy array Temperature of the parcel (hPa) Returns ------- Mixing Ratio (g/kg) of the given parcel ''' x = 0.02 * (t - 12.5 + (7500. / p)) wfw = 1. + (0.0000045 * p) + (0.0014 * x * x) fwesw = wfw * vappres(t) return 621.97 * (fwesw / (p - fwesw))
[docs]def temp_at_mixrat(w, p): ''' Returns the temperature (C) of air at the given mixing ratio (g/kg) and pressure (hPa) Parameters ---------- w : number, numpy array Mixing Ratio (g/kg) p : number, numpy array Pressure (hPa) Returns ------- Temperature (C) of air at given mixing ratio and pressure ''' x = np.log10(w * p / (622. + w)) x = (np.power(10.,((c1 * x) + c2)) - c3 + (c4 * np.power((np.power(10,(c5 * x)) - c6),2))) - ZEROCNK return x
[docs]def wetbulb(p, t, td): ''' Calculates the wetbulb temperature (C) for the given parcel Parameters ---------- p : number Pressure of parcel (hPa) t : number Temperature of parcel (C) td : number Dew Point of parcel (C) Returns ------- Wetbulb temperature (C) ''' p2, t2 = drylift(p, t, td) return wetlift(p2, t2, p)
[docs]def ctof(t): ''' Convert temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit Parameters ---------- t : number, numpy array The temperature in Celsius Returns ------- Temperature in Fahrenheit (number or numpy array) ''' return (1.8 * t) + 32.
[docs]def ftoc(t): ''' Convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius Parameters ---------- t : number, numpy array The temperature in Fahrenheit Returns ------- Temperature in Celsius (number or numpy array) ''' return (t - 32.) * (5. / 9.)
[docs]def ktoc(t): ''' Convert temperature from Kelvin to Celsius Parameters ---------- t : number, numpy array The temperature in Kelvin Returns ------- Temperature in Celsius (number or numpy array) ''' return t - ZEROCNK
[docs]def ctok(t): ''' Convert temperature from Celsius to Kelvin Parameters ---------- t : number, numpy array The temperature in Celsius Returns ------- Temperature in Kelvin (number or numpy array) ''' return t + ZEROCNK
[docs]def ktof(t): ''' Convert temperature from Kelvin to Fahrenheit Parameters ---------- t : number, numpy array The temperature in Kelvin Returns ------- Temperature in Fahrenheit (number or numpy array) ''' return ctof(ktoc(t))
[docs]def ftok(t): ''' Convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Kelvin Parameters ---------- t : number, numpy array The temperature in Fahrenheit Returns ------- Temperature in Kelvin (number or numpy array) ''' return ctok(ftoc(t))