''' Wind Manipulation Routines '''
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import numpy.ma as ma
from sharppy.sharptab import interp, utils
from sharppy.sharptab.constants import *
import warnings
__all__ = ['mean_wind', 'mean_wind_npw', 'mean_wind_old', 'mean_wind_npw_old']
__all__ += ['sr_wind', 'sr_wind_npw', 'wind_shear', 'helicity', 'max_wind']
__all__ += ['non_parcel_bunkers_motion', 'corfidi_mcs_motion', 'mbe_vectors']
__all__ += ['non_parcel_bunkers_motion_experimental', 'critical_angle']
#warnings.warn("Future versions of the routines in the winds module may include options to use height values instead of pressure to specify layers (i.e. SRH, wind shear, etc.)")
[docs]def mean_wind(prof, pbot=850, ptop=250, dp=-1, stu=0, stv=0):
Calculates a pressure-weighted mean wind through a layer. The default
layer is 850 to 200 hPa.
prof: profile object
Profile object
pbot : number (optional; default 850 hPa)
Pressure of the bottom level (hPa)
ptop : number (optional; default 250 hPa)
Pressure of the top level (hPa)
dp : negative integer (optional; default -1)
The pressure increment for the interpolated sounding
stu : number (optional; default 0)
U-component of storm-motion vector (kts)
stv : number (optional; default 0)
V-component of storm-motion vector (kts)
mnu : number
U-component (kts)
mnv : number
V-component (kts)
if dp > 0: dp = -dp
if not utils.QC(pbot) or not utils.QC(ptop):
return ma.masked, ma.masked
if prof.wdir.count() == 0:
return ma.masked, ma.masked
ps = np.arange(pbot, ptop+dp, dp)
u, v = interp.components(prof, ps)
# u -= stu; v -= stv
return ma.average(u, weights=ps)-stu, ma.average(v, weights=ps)-stv
[docs]def mean_wind_npw(prof, pbot=850., ptop=250., dp=-1, stu=0, stv=0):
Calculates a non-pressure-weighted mean wind through a layer. The default
layer is 850 to 200 hPa.
prof: profile object
Profile object
pbot : number (optional; default 850 hPa)
Pressure of the bottom level (hPa)
ptop : number (optional; default 250 hPa)
Pressure of the top level (hPa)
dp : negative integer (optional; default -1)
The pressure increment for the interpolated sounding (mb)
stu : number (optional; default 0)
U-component of storm-motion vector (kts)
stv : number (optional; default 0)
V-component of storm-motion vector (kts)
mnu : number
U-component (kts)
mnv : number
V-component (kts)
if prof.wdir.count() == 0 or not utils.QC(ptop) or not utils.QC(pbot):
return ma.masked, ma.masked
if dp > 0: dp = -dp
ps = np.arange(pbot, ptop+dp, dp)
u, v = interp.components(prof, ps)
# u -= stu; v -= stv
return u.mean()-stu, v.mean()-stv
[docs]def sr_wind(prof, pbot=850, ptop=250, stu=0, stv=0, dp=-1):
Calculates a pressure-weighted mean storm-relative wind through a layer.
The default layer is 850 to 200 hPa. This is a thin wrapper around
prof: profile object
Profile object
pbot : number (optional; default 850 hPa)
Pressure of the bottom level (hPa)
ptop : number (optional; default 250 hPa)
Pressure of the top level (hPa)
stu : number (optional; default 0)
U-component of storm-motion vector (kts)
stv : number (optional; default 0)
V-component of storm-motion vector (kts)
dp : negative integer (optional; default -1)
The pressure increment for the interpolated sounding (mb)
mnu : number
U-component (kts)
mnv : number
V-component (kts)
return mean_wind(prof, pbot=pbot, ptop=ptop, dp=dp, stu=stu, stv=stv)
[docs]def sr_wind_npw(prof, pbot=850, ptop=250, stu=0, stv=0, dp=-1):
Calculates a none-pressure-weighted mean storm-relative wind through a
layer. The default layer is 850 to 200 hPa. This is a thin wrapper around
prof: profile object
Profile object
pbot : number (optional; default 850 hPa)
Pressure of the bottom level (hPa)
ptop : number (optional; default 250 hPa)
Pressure of the top level (hPa)
stu : number (optional; default 0)
U-component of storm-motion vector (kts)
stv : number (optional; default 0)
V-component of storm-motion vector (kts)
dp : negative integer (optional; default -1)
The pressure increment for the interpolated sounding (mb)
mnu : number
U-component (kts)
mnv : number
V-component (kts)
return mean_wind_npw(prof, pbot=pbot, ptop=ptop, dp=dp, stu=stu, stv=stv)
[docs]def wind_shear(prof, pbot=850, ptop=250):
Calculates the shear between the wind at (pbot) and (ptop).
prof: profile object
Profile object
pbot : number (optional; default 850 hPa)
Pressure of the bottom level (hPa)
ptop : number (optional; default 250 hPa)
Pressure of the top level (hPa)
shu : number
U-component (kts)
shv : number
V-component (kts)
if prof.wdir.count() == 0 or not utils.QC(ptop) or not utils.QC(pbot):
return ma.masked, ma.masked
ubot, vbot = interp.components(prof, pbot)
utop, vtop = interp.components(prof, ptop)
shu = utop - ubot
shv = vtop - vbot
return shu, shv
[docs]def non_parcel_bunkers_motion_experimental(prof):
Compute the Bunkers Storm Motion for a Right Moving Supercell
prof : profile object
Profile Object
rstu : number
Right Storm Motion U-component (kts)
rstv : number
Right Storm Motion V-component (kts)
lstu : number
Left Storm Motion U-component (kts)
lstv : number
Left Storm Motion V-component (kts)
if prof.wdir.count() == 0:
return ma.masked, ma.masked, ma.masked, ma.masked
d = utils.MS2KTS(7.5) # Deviation value emperically derived as 7.5 m/s
## get the msl height of 500m, 5.5km, and 6.0km above the surface
msl500m = interp.to_msl(prof, 500.)
msl5500m = interp.to_msl(prof, 5500.)
msl6000m = interp.to_msl(prof, 6000.)
## get the pressure of the surface, 500m, 5.5km, and 6.0km levels
psfc = prof.pres[prof.sfc]
p500m = interp.pres(prof, msl500m)
p5500m = interp.pres(prof, msl5500m)
p6000m = interp.pres(prof, msl6000m)
## sfc-500m Mean Wind
mnu500m, mnv500m = mean_wind(prof, psfc, p500m)
## 5.5km-6.0km Mean Wind
mnu5500m_6000m, mnv5500m_6000m = mean_wind(prof, p5500m, p6000m)
# shear vector of the two mean winds
shru = mnu5500m_6000m - mnu500m
shrv = mnv5500m_6000m - mnv500m
# SFC-6km Mean Wind
mnu6, mnv6 = mean_wind(prof, psfc, p6000m)
# Bunkers Right Motion
tmp = d / utils.mag(shru, shrv)
rstu = mnu6 + (tmp * shrv)
rstv = mnv6 - (tmp * shru)
lstu = mnu6 - (tmp * shrv)
lstv = mnv6 + (tmp * shru)
return rstu, rstv, lstu, lstv
[docs]def non_parcel_bunkers_motion(prof):
Compute the Bunkers Storm Motion for a Right Moving Supercell
prof : profile object
Profile Object
rstu : number
Right Storm Motion U-component (kts)
rstv : number
Right Storm Motion V-component (kts)
lstu : number
Left Storm Motion U-component (kts)
lstv : number
Left Storm Motion V-component (kts)
if prof.wdir.count() == 0:
return ma.masked, ma.masked, ma.masked, ma.masked
d = utils.MS2KTS(7.5) # Deviation value emperically derived as 7.5 m/s
msl6km = interp.to_msl(prof, 6000.)
p6km = interp.pres(prof, msl6km)
# SFC-6km Mean Wind
mnu6, mnv6 = mean_wind_npw(prof, prof.pres[prof.sfc], p6km)
# SFC-6km Shear Vector
shru, shrv = wind_shear(prof, prof.pres[prof.sfc], p6km)
# Bunkers Right Motion
tmp = d / utils.mag(shru, shrv)
rstu = mnu6 + (tmp * shrv)
rstv = mnv6 - (tmp * shru)
lstu = mnu6 - (tmp * shrv)
lstv = mnv6 + (tmp * shru)
return rstu, rstv, lstu, lstv
[docs]def helicity(prof, lower, upper, stu=0, stv=0, dp=-1, exact=True):
Calculates the relative helicity (m2/s2) of a layer from lower to upper.
If storm-motion vector is supplied, storm-relative helicity, both
positve and negative, is returned.
prof : profile object
Profile Object
lower : number
Bottom level of layer (m, AGL)
upper : number
Top level of layer (m, AGL)
stu : number (optional; default = 0)
U-component of storm-motion (kts)
stv : number (optional; default = 0)
V-component of storm-motion (kts)
dp : negative integer (optional; default -1)
The pressure increment for the interpolated sounding (mb)
exact : bool (optional; default = True)
Switch to choose between using the exact data (slower) or using
interpolated sounding at 'dp' pressure levels (faster)
phel+nhel : number
Combined Helicity (m2/s2)
phel : number
Positive Helicity (m2/s2)
nhel : number
Negative Helicity (m2/s2)
if prof.wdir.count() == 0 or not utils.QC(lower) or not utils.QC(upper) or not utils.QC(stu) or not utils.QC(stv):
return ma.masked, ma.masked, ma.masked
if lower != upper:
lower = interp.to_msl(prof, lower)
upper = interp.to_msl(prof, upper)
plower = interp.pres(prof, lower)
pupper = interp.pres(prof, upper)
if np.isnan(plower) or np.isnan(pupper) or \
type(plower) == type(ma.masked) or type(pupper) == type(ma.masked):
return np.ma.masked, np.ma.masked, np.ma.masked
if exact:
ind1 = np.where(plower >= prof.pres)[0].min()
ind2 = np.where(pupper <= prof.pres)[0].max()
u1, v1 = interp.components(prof, plower)
u2, v2 = interp.components(prof, pupper)
u = np.concatenate([[u1], prof.u[ind1:ind2+1].compressed(), [u2]])
v = np.concatenate([[v1], prof.v[ind1:ind2+1].compressed(), [v2]])
ps = np.arange(plower, pupper+dp, dp)
u, v = interp.components(prof, ps)
sru = utils.KTS2MS(u - stu)
srv = utils.KTS2MS(v - stv)
layers = (sru[1:] * srv[:-1]) - (sru[:-1] * srv[1:])
phel = layers[layers > 0].sum()
nhel = layers[layers < 0].sum()
phel = nhel = 0
return phel+nhel, phel, nhel
[docs]def max_wind(prof, lower, upper, all=False):
Finds the maximum wind speed of the layer given by lower and upper levels.
In the event of the maximum wind speed occurring at multiple levels, the
lowest level it occurs is returned by default.
prof : profile object
Profile Object
lower : number
Bottom level of layer (m, AGL)
upper : number
Top level of layer (m, AGL)
all : Boolean
Switch to change the output to sorted wind levels or maximum level.
p : number, numpy array
Pressure level (hPa) of max wind speed
maxu : number, numpy array
Maximum Wind Speed U-component (kts)
maxv : number, numpy array
Maximum Wind Speed V-component (kts)
if prof.wdir.count() == 0 or not utils.QC(lower) or not utils.QC(upper):
return ma.masked, ma.masked, ma.masked
lower = interp.to_msl(prof, lower)
upper = interp.to_msl(prof, upper)
plower = interp.pres(prof, lower)
pupper = interp.pres(prof, upper)
if np.ma.is_masked(plower) or np.ma.is_masked(pupper):
warnings.warn("winds.max_wind() was unable to interpolate between height and pressure correctly. This may be due to a data integrity issue.")
return ma.masked, ma.masked, ma.masked
#print(lower, upper, plower, pupper, prof.pres)
ind1 = np.where((plower > prof.pres) | (np.isclose(plower, prof.pres)))[0][0]
ind2 = np.where((pupper < prof.pres) | (np.isclose(pupper, prof.pres)))[0][-1]
if len(prof.wspd[ind1:ind2+1]) == 0 or ind1 == ind2:
maxu, maxv = utils.vec2comp([prof.wdir[ind1]], [prof.wspd[ind1]])
return maxu, maxv, prof.pres[ind1]
arr = prof.wspd[ind1:ind2+1]
inds = np.ma.argsort(arr)
inds = inds[~arr[inds].mask][::-1]
maxu, maxv = utils.vec2comp(prof.wdir[ind1:ind2+1][inds], prof.wspd[ind1:ind2+1][inds])
if all:
return maxu, maxv, prof.pres[inds]
return maxu[0], maxv[0], prof.pres[inds[0]]
[docs]def corfidi_mcs_motion(prof):
Calculated the Meso-beta Elements (Corfidi) Vectors
prof : profile object
Profile Object
upu : number
U-component of the upshear vector (kts)
upv : number
V-component of the upshear vector (kts)
dnu : number
U-component of the downshear vector (kts)
dnv : number
V-component of the downshear vector (kts)
if prof.wdir.count() == 0:
return ma.masked, ma.masked, ma.masked, ma.masked
# Compute the tropospheric (850hPa-300hPa) mean wind
if prof.pres[ prof.sfc ] < 850:
mnu1, mnv1 = mean_wind_npw(prof, pbot=prof.pres[prof.sfc], ptop=300.)
mnu1, mnv1 = mean_wind_npw(prof, pbot=850., ptop=300.)
# Compute the low-level (SFC-1500m) mean wind
p_1p5km = interp.pres(prof, interp.to_msl(prof, 1500.))
mnu2, mnv2 = mean_wind_npw(prof, prof.pres[prof.sfc], p_1p5km)
# Compute the upshear vector
upu = mnu1 - mnu2
upv = mnv1 - mnv2
# Compute the downshear vector
dnu = mnu1 + upu
dnv = mnv1 + upv
return upu, upv, dnu, dnv
[docs]def mbe_vectors(prof):
Thin wrapper around corfidi_mcs_motion()
prof : profile object
Profile Object
upu : number
U-component of the upshear vector (kts)
upv : number
V-component of the upshear vector (kts)
dnu : number
U-component of the downshear vector (kts)
dnv : number
V-component of the downshear vector (kts)
return corfidi_mcs_motion(prof)
[docs]def critical_angle(prof, stu=0, stv=0):
Calculates the critical angle (degrees) as specified by Esterheld and Giuliano (2008).
If the critical angle is 90 degrees, this indicates that the lowest 500 meters of
the storm is experiencing pure streamwise vorticity.
prof : profile object
Profile Object
stu : number (optional; default = 0)
U-component of storm-motion (kts)
stv : number (optional; default = 0)
V-component of storm-motion (kts)
angle : number
Critical Angle (degrees)
if prof.wdir.count() == 0:
return ma.masked
if not utils.QC(stu) or not utils.QC(stv):
return ma.masked
pres_500m = interp.pres(prof, interp.to_msl(prof, 500))
u500, v500 = interp.components(prof, pres_500m)
sfc_u, sfc_v = interp.components(prof, prof.pres[prof.sfc])
vec1_u, vec1_v = u500 - sfc_u, v500 - sfc_v
vec2_u, vec2_v = stu - sfc_u, stv - sfc_v
vec_1_mag = np.sqrt(np.power(vec1_u, 2) + np.power(vec1_v, 2))
vec_2_mag = np.sqrt(np.power(vec2_u, 2) + np.power(vec2_v, 2))
dot = vec1_u * vec2_u + vec1_v * vec2_v
angle = np.degrees(np.arccos(dot / (vec_1_mag * vec_2_mag)))
return angle