Source code for

import numpy as np
from qtpy import QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets
import sharppy.sharptab as tab
from sharppy.sharptab.constants import *
import platform

## routine written by Kelton Halbert

__all__ = ['backgroundFire', 'plotFire']

[docs]class backgroundFire(QtWidgets.QFrame): ''' Handles drawing the background frame. ''' def __init__(self): super(backgroundFire, self).__init__() self.init_hght = self.size().height() #print(self.init_hght) self.initUI()
[docs] def initUI(self): ## initialize fram variables such as size, ## padding, etc. self.setStyleSheet("QFrame {" " background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" " border-width: 1px;" " border-style: solid;" " border-color: #3399CC;}") self.lpad = 5; self.rpad = 5 self.tpad = 3; self.bpad = 3 self.os_mod = 0 self.barby = 0 self.wid = self.size().width() self.hgt = self.size().height() self.tlx = self.rpad; self.tly = self.tpad self.brx = self.wid; self.bry = self.hgt if self.physicalDpiX() > 75: fsize = 8 else: fsize = 10 font_ratio = fsize/self.hgt font_ratio = 0.0512 self.label_font = QtGui.QFont('Helvetica', round(font_ratio * self.hgt)) self.fosberg_font = QtGui.QFont('Helvetica', round(font_ratio * self.hgt) + 2) self.label_metrics = QtGui.QFontMetrics( self.label_font ) self.fosberg_metrics = QtGui.QFontMetrics( self.fosberg_font ) self.label_height = self.label_metrics.xHeight() + self.tpad self.ylast = self.label_height if platform.system() == "Windows": self.os_mod = self.label_metrics.descent() self.plotBitMap = QtGui.QPixmap(self.width()-2, self.height()-2) self.plotBitMap.fill(self.bg_color) self.plotBackground()
[docs] def draw_frame(self, qp): ''' Draws the background frame and the text headers for indices. ''' ## initialize a white pen with thickness 1 and a solid line pen = QtGui.QPen(self.fg_color, 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) qp.setFont(self.fosberg_font) ## make the initial x value relative to the width of the frame x1 = self.brx / 10 y1 = self.ylast + self.tpad ## draw the header rect1 = QtCore.QRect(0, self.tpad, self.wid, self.label_height) qp.drawText(rect1, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, 'Fire Weather Parameters') self.labels = 2 * self.label_height + self.tpad + self.os_mod # Beginning of next line pen = QtGui.QPen(self.fg_color, 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) sep = 2 y1 = self.labels + 4 qp.setFont(self.label_font) color = QtGui.QColor('#00CC33') pen = QtGui.QPen(color, 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) label = ['Moisture'] begin = y1 self.moist_x = self.brx/10 self.moist_width = self.brx/2 - self.brx/10 for i in label: rect1 = QtCore.QRect(self.brx/10, y1, self.brx/2 - self.brx/10, self.label_height) qp.drawText(rect1, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft, i) y1 += self.label_height + sep + self.os_mod color = QtGui.QColor('#0066CC') pen = QtGui.QPen(color, 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) label = ['Low-Level Wind'] self.llw_x = self.brx/2 self.llw_width = self.brx/2 - self.brx/10 y1 = begin for i in label: rect1 = QtCore.QRect(self.brx/2, y1, self.brx/2 - self.brx/10, self.label_height) qp.drawText(rect1, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignRight, i) y1 += self.label_height + sep + self.os_mod pen = QtGui.QPen(self.fg_color, 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) qp.drawLine( 0, y1 + 3, self.brx, y1 + 3 ) self.start_data_y1 = y1+3 y1 = y1 + 3 color = QtGui.QColor('#FF6633') pen = QtGui.QPen(color, 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) self.moswindsep = 7 label = ['', '','','','','','Derived Indices'] for i in label: rect1 = QtCore.QRect(0, y1, self.brx, self.label_height) qp.drawText(rect1, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, i) y1 += self.label_height + self.moswindsep + self.os_mod qp.drawLine( 0, y1, self.brx, y1 ) self.fosberg_y1 = y1+self.moswindsep self.fosberg_x = 0 self.fosberg_width = self.brx self.haines_y1 = self.fosberg_y1 + self.moswindsep + self.os_mod + self.label_height self.haines_x = 0 self.haines_width = self.brx """ label = ['','','','','','Derived Indices'] for i in label: rect1 = QtCore.QRect(0, y1, self.brx, self.label_height) qp.drawText(rect1, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, i) y1 += self.label_height + self.moswindsep + self.os_mod qp.drawLine( 0, y1, self.brx, y1 ) self.fosberg_y1 = y1+self.moswindsep self.fosberg_x = 0 self.fosberg_width = self.brx """
[docs] def resizeEvent(self, e): ''' Handles when the window gets resized. ''' self.initUI()
[docs] def plotBackground(self): ''' Handles drawing the text background. ''' ## initialize a QPainter objext qp = QtGui.QPainter() qp.begin(self.plotBitMap) ## draw the frame self.draw_frame(qp) qp.end()
[docs]class plotFire(backgroundFire): ''' Handles plotting the indices in the frame. ''' def __init__(self): ## get the surfce based, most unstable, and mixed layer ## parcels to use for indices, as well as the sounding ## profile itself. self.bg_color = QtGui.QColor('#000000') self.fg_color = QtGui.QColor('#ffffff') super(plotFire, self).__init__() = None
[docs] def setProf(self, prof): = prof; # Fire indices self.fosberg = prof.fosberg self.haines_hght = prof.haines_hght self.haines_index = [prof.haines_low, prof.haines_mid, prof.haines_high] self.sfc_rh = prof.sfc_rh self.rh01km = prof.rh01km self.pblrh = prof.pblrh self.pbl_h = prof.pbl_h self.meanwind01km = tab.utils.comp2vec(prof.meanwind01km[0], prof.meanwind01km[1]) self.meanwindpbl = tab.utils.comp2vec(prof.meanwindpbl[0], prof.meanwindpbl[1]) self.sfc_wind = (prof.wdir[prof.get_sfc()], prof.wspd[prof.get_sfc()]) self.pwat = prof.pwat if not tab.utils.QC(prof.pblmaxwind[0]): self.maxwindpbl = [,] else: self.maxwindpbl = tab.utils.comp2vec(prof.pblmaxwind[0], prof.pblmaxwind[1]) self.bplus_fire = prof.bplus_fire self.clearData() self.plotBackground() self.plotData() self.update()
[docs] def setPreferences(self, update_gui=True, **prefs): self.bg_color = QtGui.QColor(prefs['bg_color']) self.fg_color = QtGui.QColor(prefs['fg_color']) if update_gui: self.clearData() self.plotBackground() self.plotData() self.update()
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, e): ''' Handles mouse click event to switch Haines Index elevations ''' pos = e.pos() if 0 <= pos.x() and pos.x() <= self.haines_width and self.haines_y1 <= pos.y() and pos.y() <= self.haines_y1 + self.label_height - self.os_mod: self.haines_hght += 1 self.haines_hght %= 3 self.clearData() self.plotBackground() self.plotData() self.update() self.parentWidget().setFocus()
[docs] def resizeEvent(self, e): ''' Handles when the window is resized. ''' super(plotFire, self).resizeEvent(e) self.plotData()
[docs] def paintEvent(self, e): super(plotFire, self).paintEvent(e) qp = QtGui.QPainter() qp.begin(self) qp.drawPixmap(1, 1, self.plotBitMap) qp.end()
[docs] def clearData(self): ''' Handles the clearing of the pixmap in the frame. ''' self.plotBitMap = QtGui.QPixmap(self.width(), self.height()) self.plotBitMap.fill(self.bg_color)
[docs] def plotData(self): ''' Handles the drawing of the text on the frame. ''' if is None: return x1 = self.brx / 10 y1 = self.bry / 19 origin_x = x1*8.5 origin_y = y1*15 ## initialize a QPainter object qp = QtGui.QPainter() qp.begin(self.plotBitMap) qp.setRenderHint(qp.Antialiasing) qp.setRenderHint(qp.TextAntialiasing) ## draw the indices self.drawPBLchar(qp) self.drawFosberg(qp) self.drawHainesIndex(qp) qp.end()
[docs] def drawFosberg(self, qp): color = self.getFosbergFormat() pen = QtGui.QPen(color, 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) qp.setFont(self.fosberg_font) rect1 = QtCore.QRect(0, self.fosberg_y1, self.fosberg_width, self.label_height - self.os_mod) if self.fosberg == qp.drawText(rect1, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, 'Fosberg FWI = M') else: qp.drawText(rect1, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, 'Fosberg FWI = ' + tab.utils.INT2STR(self.fosberg))
[docs] def drawHainesIndex(self, qp): haines_height_label = ['L', 'M', 'H'] color = self.getHainesFormat() pen = QtGui.QPen(color, 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) qp.setFont(self.fosberg_font) rect1 = QtCore.QRect(0, self.haines_y1, self.haines_width, self.label_height - self.os_mod) qp.drawText(rect1, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, 'Haines Index (' + haines_height_label[self.haines_hght] + ') = ' + tab.utils.INT2STR(self.haines_index[self.haines_hght]))
[docs] def getHainesFormat(self): if self.haines_index[self.haines_hght] == 2: color = QtGui.QColor(DGREEN) elif self.haines_index[self.haines_hght] == 3: color = QtGui.QColor(GREEN) elif self.haines_index[self.haines_hght] == 4: color = QtGui.QColor(YELLOW) elif self.haines_index[self.haines_hght] == 5: color = QtGui.QColor(ORANGE) elif self.haines_index[self.haines_hght] == 6: color = QtGui.QColor(RED) else: color = QtGui.QColor(DGREEN) return color
[docs] def getFosbergFormat(self): if (not tab.utils.QC(self.fosberg)) or self.fosberg < 30: color = QtGui.QColor(DBROWN) elif self.fosberg < 40: color = QtGui.QColor(LBROWN) elif self.fosberg < 50: color = QtGui.QColor(self.fg_color) elif self.fosberg < 60: color = QtGui.QColor(YELLOW) elif self.fosberg < 70: color = QtGui.QColor(RED) else: color = QtGui.QColor(MAGENTA) return color
[docs] def getMaxWindFormat(self): fontsize = 12 if (not tab.utils.QC(self.maxwindpbl[1])) or int(self.maxwindpbl[1]) <= 10: color = QtGui.QColor(DBROWN) elif int(self.maxwindpbl[1]) <= 20: color = QtGui.QColor(LBROWN) elif int(self.maxwindpbl[1]) <= 30: color = QtGui.QColor(self.fg_color) elif int(self.maxwindpbl[1]) <= 40: color = QtGui.QColor(YELLOW) elif int(self.maxwindpbl[1]) <= 50: color = QtGui.QColor(RED) else: color = QtGui.QColor(MAGENTA) return color, fontsize
[docs] def drawPBLchar(self, qp): color = QtGui.QColor(self.fg_color) pen = QtGui.QPen(color, 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) qp.setFont(self.label_font) label = ['SFC = ' + tab.utils.INT2STR(self.sfc_wind[0]) + '/' + tab.utils.INT2STR(self.sfc_wind[1]), \ '0-1 km mean = ' + tab.utils.INT2STR(self.meanwind01km[0]) + '/' + tab.utils.INT2STR(self.meanwind01km[1]), \ 'BL mean = ' + tab.utils.INT2STR(self.meanwindpbl[0]) + '/' + tab.utils.INT2STR(self.meanwindpbl[1]), \ 'BL max = ' + tab.utils.INT2STR(self.maxwindpbl[0]) + '/' + tab.utils.INT2STR(self.maxwindpbl[1])] sep = self.moswindsep y1 = self.start_data_y1 + 6 for i in range(len(label)): if i == 3: color, fontsize = self.getMaxWindFormat() else: color = QtGui.QColor(self.fg_color) fontsize = 10 qp.setFont(self.label_font) pen = QtGui.QPen(color, 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) rect1 = QtCore.QRect(self.llw_x, y1, self.llw_width, self.label_height) qp.drawText(rect1, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignRight, label[i]) y1 += self.label_height + sep + self.os_mod label = ['SFC RH = ' + tab.utils.INT2STR(self.sfc_rh) + '%', \ '0-1 km RH = ' + tab.utils.INT2STR(self.rh01km) + '%', \ 'BL mean RH = ' + tab.utils.INT2STR(self.pblrh) + '%', \ 'PW = ' + tab.utils.FLOAT2STR(self.pwat,2) + ' in'] y1 = self.start_data_y1 + 6 for i in range(len(label)): if i == 0: color, fontsize = self.getSfcRHFormat() elif i == 1 or i == 2: color = QtGui.QColor(self.fg_color) fontsize = 10 else: color, fontsize = self.getPWColor() qp.setFont(self.label_font) pen = QtGui.QPen(color, 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) rect1 = QtCore.QRect(self.moist_x, y1, self.moist_width, self.label_height) qp.drawText(rect1, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft, label[i]) y1 += self.label_height + sep + self.os_mod color = QtGui.QColor(self.fg_color) qp.setFont(self.label_font) pen = QtGui.QPen(color, 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) rect1 = QtCore.QRect(0, y1, self.brx, self.label_height) qp.drawText(rect1, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, "PBL Height = " + tab.utils.FLOAT2STR(tab.utils.M2FT(self.pbl_h), 0) + 'ft / ' + tab.utils.FLOAT2STR(self.pbl_h, 0) + 'm') y1 += self.label_height + sep + self.os_mod
[docs] def getPWColor(self): if self.pwat < 0.5 and self.bplus_fire > 50 and self.sfc_rh < 35: color = QtGui.QColor(RED) fontsize = 12 else: color = QtGui.QColor(self.fg_color) fontsize = 10 return color, fontsize
[docs] def getSfcRHFormat(self): if self.sfc_rh <= 10: color = QtGui.QColor(MAGENTA) elif self.sfc_rh <= 15: color = QtGui.QColor(RED) elif self.sfc_rh <= 20: color = QtGui.QColor(YELLOW) elif self.sfc_rh <= 30: color = QtGui.QColor(self.fg_color) elif self.sfc_rh <= 35: color = QtGui.QColor(LBROWN) else: color = QtGui.QColor(DBROWN) return color, 12
if __name__ == '__main__': app_frame = QtGui.QApplication([]) tester = plotFire() tester.setGeometry(50,50,293,195) app_frame.exec_()