Source code for sharppy.viz.generic

__author__ = 'Kelton Halbert'

__all__ = ['backgroundGeneric', 'plotGeneric']

import numpy as np
from sharppy.sharptab.constants import *
import sharppy.sharptab as tab
from qtpy import QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets
from qtpy.QtGui import *
from qtpy.QtCore import *
from qtpy.QtOpenGL import *

[docs]class backgroundGeneric(QtWidgets.QFrame): """ A generic class for drawing the background of a widget. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(backgroundGeneric, self).__init__() ## set the xtick and ytick ranges self.xticks = kwargs.get('xticks', None) self.yticks = kwargs.get('yticks', None) ## initialize background and border color self.backgroundColor = kwargs.get('background', BLACK) self.borderColor = kwargs.get('border', WHITE) self.label_font = QtGui.QFont('Helvetica', 7) self.xmin = 0; self.xmax = 100 self.ymin = 0; self.ymax=100 self.title = kwargs.get("title", None) self.initUI()
[docs] def initUI(self): """ Initialize the user interface. This will set necessary constants such as margins, min/max axes values, font sizes, etc. :return: None """ ## initialize the frame variables self.lpad = 0.; self.rpad = 0. self.bpad = 20.; self.tpad = 0. self.wid = self.size().width() - self.rpad self.hgt = self.size().height() - self.bpad self.tlx = self.rpad; self.tly = self.tpad self.brx = self.wid; self.bry = self.hgt ## initialize the QPixmap that everything gets drawn on self.plotBitMap = QtGui.QPixmap(self.size().width(), self.size().height()) self.plotBitMap.fill(QtGui.QColor(self.backgroundColor))
[docs] def plotBackground(self): """ Handles the drawing of the background on the widget. :return: None """ ## initialize a new QPainter object for drawing the stuffs qp = QtGui.QPainter() ## draw onto the QPixmap qp.begin(self.plotBitMap) ## these settings usually give better performance qp.setRenderHint(qp.Antialiasing) qp.setRenderHint(qp.TextAntialiasing) ## draw background frame self.draw_frame(qp) ## draw the x and y tick axes self.draw_xticks(qp) self.draw_yticks(qp) qp.end() if self.title is not None: self.draw_text(self.xmin + (self.xmax - self.xmin)/2, self.ymax - (self.ymax / 3), self.title)
[docs] def resizeEvent(self, e): """ Handles what to do when the widget is resized. This will call self.initUI() when resized in order to re-generate the necessary variables. :return: None """ self.initUI()
[docs] def x_to_pix(self, x): """ Scale an x coordinate value to pixel space and return it. :param x: An x coordinate value :return: x converted to pixel space """ scl1 = self.xmax - self.xmin scl2 = self.xmax - x return self.bry - (scl2 / scl1) * (self.bry - self.tpad)
[docs] def y_to_pix(self, y): """ Scale a y coordinate value to pixel space and return it. :param y: A y coordinate value :return: y converted to pixel space """ scl1 = self.ymax - self.ymin scl2 = self.ymax - y return self.bry - (scl2 / scl1 ) * ( self.bry - self.tpad)
[docs] def draw_frame(self, qp): """ Draws the background frame for the widget. The background frame includes the background color and the frame border. This is primarily used in the initUI function and is not necessarily intended to be called outside of it. :param qp: QtGui.QPainter object :return: None """ ## initialize a new pen and brush pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(self.borderColor), 2, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) ## draw the borders in white qp.drawLine(self.tlx, self.tly, self.brx, self.tly) qp.drawLine(self.brx, self.tly, self.brx, self.bry) qp.drawLine(self.brx, self.bry, self.tlx, self.bry) qp.drawLine(self.tlx, self.bry, self.tlx, self.tly)
[docs] def draw_text(self, x, y, text, fontsize=12, color=WHITE, linewidth=1, font="Helvetica"): """ Draw text on the widget. :return: """ ## initialize a painter and paint on the bitmap qp = QtGui.QPainter() qp.begin(self.plotBitMap) qp.setRenderHint(qp.Antialiasing) qp.setRenderHint(qp.TextAntialiasing) ## initialize a pen text_font = QtGui.QFont(font, fontsize) pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(color), linewidth, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) qp.setFont(text_font) ## convert the x,y values to pixel space xx = self.x_to_pix(x) yy = self.y_to_pix(y) rect0 = QtCore.QRect(xx, yy, self.brx, self.bry) ##qp.drawText(rect0, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, text) qp.drawText(xx, yy, 0, 0, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, text) qp.end()
[docs] def draw_xticks(self, qp): """ Dray the xtick labels for the frame. :param qp: a QtGui.QPainter object :return: None """ ## if there are no specified ticks, don't draw them. if self.xticks is None: return ## initialize a pen with the same color as the border pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(self.borderColor), 2, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) ## set the font qp.setFont(self.label_font) ticks = self.xticks for tick in ticks: ## convert to pixel space x = self.x_to_pix(tick) ## draw a line of 5 pc as the tick qp.drawLine(x, self.bry, x, self.bry - 5.) ## draw the text for the tick qp.drawText(x, self.bry - 10., 0, 0, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, tab.utils.INT2STR(tick))
[docs] def draw_yticks(self, qp): """ Dray the ytick labels for the frame. :param qp: a QtGui.QPainter object :return: None """ ## if there are no ticks, don't draw them. if self.yticks is None: return ## initialize a pen with the same color as teh border pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(self.borderColor), 2, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) ## set the font qp.setFont(self.label_font) ## loop over the ticks ticks = self.yticks for tick in ticks: ## convert to pixel space y = self.y_to_pix(tick) ## draw a line of length 5px as the tick qp.drawLine(0, y, 5, y) ## draw the text for the tick qp.drawText(10, y, 0, 0, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter, tab.utils.INT2STR(tick))
[docs] def set_xlim(self, xmin, xmax): """ Set the range of values for the x axis. :param xmin: The minimum x axis value :param xmax: The maximum x axis value :return: None """ self.xmin = xmin; self.xmax = xmax
[docs] def set_ylim(self, ymin, ymax): """ Set the range of values for the y axis. :param ymin: The minimum y axis value :param ymax: The maximum y axis value :return: None """ self.ymin = ymin; self.ymax = ymax
[docs]class plotGeneric(backgroundGeneric): """ A generic object to plot the foreground of a plot. This inherits from the Background Class that holds frame constants, getters, and setters. """ def __init__(self, x, y, **kwargs): ## construct the super object super(plotGeneric, self).__init__(**kwargs) ## set some object variables self.x = x; self.y = y self.color = kwargs.get('color', RED) self.width = kwargs.get('width', 2) self.xaxislimit = kwargs.get('xlim', (self.x.min()-10, self.x.max()+10)) self.yaxislimit = kwargs.get('ylim', (self.y.min(), self.y.max())) ## update the min and max bounds based on the data self.set_xlim( self.xaxislimit[0], self.xaxislimit[1]) self.set_ylim( self.yaxislimit[0], self.yaxislimit[1]) ## reset the x and y limits based on the data given
[docs] def setProf(self, x, y, **kwargs): self.x = x; self.y = y self.color = kwargs.get('color', RED) self.width = kwargs.get('width', 2) self.xaxislimit = kwargs.get('xlim', (self.x.min()-10, self.x.max()+10)) self.yaxislimit = kwargs.get('ylim', (self.y.min(), self.y.max())) ## update the min and max bounds based on the data self.set_xlim( self.xaxislimit[0], self.xaxislimit[1]) self.set_ylim( self.yaxislimit[0], self.yaxislimit[1]) ## reset the x and y limits based on the data given self.clearData() self.plotBackground() self.plotData() self.update()
[docs] def resizeEvent(self, e): """ Handles the resizing of the frame :param e: an Event object :return: None """ super(plotGeneric, self).resizeEvent(e) ## you have to call update after setting the variables self.plotBackground() self.plotData()
[docs] def paintEvent(self, e): """ Handles the paint event and calls the functions to draw on the frame. :param e: an Event object :return: None """ super(backgroundGeneric, self).paintEvent(e) qp = QtGui.QPainter() qp.begin(self) qp.drawPixmap(0, 0, self.plotBitMap) qp.end()
[docs] def plotData(self): """ Plot the data on the frame. :return: None """ ## create a new painter object qp = QtGui.QPainter() qp.begin(self.plotBitMap) qp.setRenderHint(qp.Antialiasing) qp.setRenderHint(qp.TextAntialiasing) self.draw_lines(qp) ## end the painter qp.end()
[docs] def clearData(self): ''' Handles the clearing of the pixmap in the frame. ''' self.plotBitMap = QtGui.QPixmap(self.size().width(), self.size().height()) self.plotBitMap.fill(
[docs] def draw_lines(self, qp): """ Draw the line profile on the widget :param qp: QtGui.QPainter object :return: None """ ## initialize a new pen pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(self.color), self.width) pen.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) ## initialize a painter path path = QPainterPath() ## get the data mask if there is one try: mask1 = self.x.mask mask2 = self.y.mask mask = np.maximum(mask1, mask2) y = self.y[~mask] x = self.x[~mask] ## if the data is not masked, just use the provided arrays! except: y = self.y x = self.x ## start the path at the first data value path.moveTo(self.x_to_pix(x[0]), self.y_to_pix(y[0])) ## now we need to loop through the array for i in range( 1, y.shape[0] ): ## make sure we are plotting in our minimum and maximum bounds if y[i] > self.ymin and y[i] < self.ymax: xp = x[i]; yp = y[i] ## convert from unit space to pixel space x1 = self.x_to_pix(xp) y1 = self.y_to_pix(yp) ## set the pen and draw a line between the two points path.lineTo(x1, y1) ## if we are outside our bounds, stop drawing else: continue qp.drawPath(path)
if __name__ == '__main__': app_frame = QtGui.QApplication([]) tester = plotGeneric() #tester.setProf() app_frame.exec_()