Source code for sharppy.viz.hodo

import numpy as np
from qtpy import QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets
import sharppy.sharptab as tab
from sharppy.viz.draggable import Draggable
from sharppy.sharptab.profile import Profile, create_profile
from sharppy.sharptab.constants import *
from qtpy.QtGui import *
from qtpy.QtCore import *
from qtpy.QtWidgets import *

__all__ = ['backgroundHodo', 'plotHodo']

[docs]class backgroundHodo(QFrame): ''' Handles the plotting of the backgroun frame onto a QPixmap. Inherits from the QtWidgets.QFrame object. Unlike most plotting classes in SHARPPy, this class will not call the function to draw the background. This is so that the background can be redrawn when the hodograph gets centered on a vector. ''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(backgroundHodo, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.wind_units = kwargs.get('wind_units', 'knots') self.hodomag = 160. ## ring increment self.ring_increment = 10 self.min_zoom = 40. self.max_zoom = 200. self.initUI()
[docs] def initUI(self): ''' Initialize the User Interface ''' ## set the interface variables for width, height, padding, etc. self.lpad = 0; self.rpad = 0 self.tpad = 0; self.bpad = 0 self.wid = self.size().width() self.hgt = self.size().height() self.tlx = self.rpad; self.tly = self.tpad self.brx = self.wid; self.bry = self.hgt ## set default center to the origin self.point = (0,0) self.centerx = self.wid / 2; self.centery = self.hgt / 2 self.scale = (self.brx - self.tlx) / self.hodomag self.rings = range(self.ring_increment, 100+self.ring_increment, self.ring_increment) if self.physicalDpiX() > 75: fsize = 7 else: fsize = 9 self.label_font = QtGui.QFont('Helvetica', fsize + (self.hgt * 0.0045)) self.label_font.setBold(True) self.critical_font = QtGui.QFont('Helvetica', fsize + 2 + (self.hgt * 0.0045)) self.critical_font.setBold(True) self.readout_font = QtGui.QFont('Helvetica', 11 + (self.hgt * 0.0045)) self.readout_font.setBold(True) self.label_metrics = QtGui.QFontMetrics( self.label_font ) self.critical_metrics = QtGui.QFontMetrics( self.critical_font ) self.label_height = self.label_metrics.xHeight() + 5 + (self.hgt * 0.0045) self.critical_height = self.critical_metrics.xHeight() + 5 + (self.hgt * 0.0045) self.plotBitMap = QtGui.QPixmap(self.width(), self.height()) self.saveBitMap = None self.plotBitMap.fill(self.bg_color) self.plotBackground() self.backgroundBitMap = self.plotBitMap.copy()
[docs] def center_hodo(self, point): ''' Center the hodograph in the window. It will either center it about the origin, about the mean wind vector, or the storm motion vector. Parameters ---------- point: A (u,v) vector that the hodograph is to be centered on. ''' ## modify the center based on an offset from the origin centerx = self.wid / 2; centery = self.hgt / 2 point = self.uv_to_pix(point[0], point[1]) ## if the function was called but the center hasn't changed in pixel space, ## just leave the center as is if self.point == point: self.centerx = self.centerx self.centery = self.centery ## otherwise, offset the hodograph center else: self.point = point diffx = centerx - point[0]; diffy = centery - point[1] self.centerx += diffx; self.centery += diffy self.plotBitMap.fill(self.bg_color) self.plotBackground() self.backgroundBitMap = self.plotBitMap.copy()
[docs] def wheelEvent(self, e): ''' Handeles the zooming of the hodograph window. Parameters ---------- e: an Event object ''' ## get the new scaling magnitude new_mag = self.hodomag - / 5 ## make sure the user doesn't zoom out of ## bounds to prevent drawing issues if new_mag >= self.min_zoom and new_mag <= self.max_zoom: self.hodomag = new_mag ## if it is out of bounds, do nothing else: self.hodomag = self.hodomag if self.wind_units == 'm/s': conv = tab.utils.KTS2MS else: conv = lambda s: s ## get the maximum speed value in the frame for the ring increment. ## this is to help reduce drawing resources max_uv = int(conv(np.hypot(*self.pix_to_uv(self.brx, self.bry)))) self.rings = range(self.ring_increment, max_uv+self.ring_increment, self.ring_increment) ## reassign the new scale self.scale = (self.brx - self.tlx) / self.hodomag self.plotBitMap.fill(self.bg_color) self.plotBackground() self.backgroundBitMap = self.plotBitMap.copy() self.plotData() ## update self.update()
[docs] def resizeEvent(self, e): ''' Resize the plot based on adjusting the main window. Parameters ---------- e: an Event object ''' self.initUI()
[docs] def plotBackground(self): ''' Handles painting the frame background onto the QPixmap. ''' ## initialize a QPainter object. qp = QtGui.QPainter() qp.begin(self.plotBitMap) qp.setRenderHint(qp.Antialiasing) qp.setRenderHint(qp.TextAntialiasing) ## draw the wind speed rings for spd in self.rings: self.draw_ring(spd, qp) ## draw the frame axes self.draw_axes(qp) self.draw_frame(qp) qp.end()
[docs] def draw_frame(self, qp): ''' Draw frame around object. Parameters ---------- qp: QtGui.QPainter object ''' ## initialize a white pen to draw the frame pen = QtGui.QPen(self.fg_color, 2) pen.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) ## draw the frame borders qp.drawLine(self.tlx, self.tly, self.brx, self.tly) qp.drawLine(self.brx, self.tly, self.brx, self.bry) qp.drawLine(self.brx, self.bry, self.tlx, self.bry) qp.drawLine(self.tlx, self.bry, self.tlx, self.tly)
[docs] def draw_axes(self, qp): ''' Draw the X, Y Axes. Parameters ---------- qp: QtGui.QPainter object ''' ## initialize a white pen to draw the frame axes pen = QtGui.QPen(self.fg_color, 2) pen.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) ## draw the frame axes qp.drawLine(self.centerx, self.tly, self.centerx, self.bry) qp.drawLine(self.tlx, self.centery, self.brx, self.centery)
[docs] def draw_ring(self, spd, qp): ''' Draw a range ring. Parameters ---------- spd: wind speed qp: QtGui.QPainter object ''' ## set the ring color and get the u and v components of a ## 0 direction vector with speed spd. color = self.isotach_color uu, vv = tab.utils.vec2comp(0, spd) vv *= self.scale ## create a center point center = QtCore.QPointF(self.centerx, self.centery) ## initialize a pen to draw with pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(color), 1) pen.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.DashLine) qp.setPen(pen) ## draw the range ring qp.drawEllipse(center, vv, vv) qp.setFont(self.label_font) ## reset the pen to draw with. Color is set to black and width zero ## because we actually don't want to draw and lines yet. pen = QtGui.QPen(self.bg_color, 0, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) offset = 5; width = 15; hght = 15; ## crete some rectangles top_rect = QtCore.QRectF(self.centerx+offset, self.centery+vv-offset, width, hght) bottom_rect = QtCore.QRectF(self.centerx+offset, self.centery-vv-offset, width, hght) right_rect = QtCore.QRectF(self.centerx+vv-offset, self.centery+offset, width, hght) left_rect = QtCore.QRectF(self.centerx-vv-offset, self.centery+offset, width, hght) ## draw some invisible rectangles qp.drawRect(top_rect); qp.drawRect(right_rect) qp.drawRect(bottom_rect); qp.drawRect(left_rect) ## now make the pen white and draw text using ## the invisible rectangles pen = QtGui.QPen(self.fg_color) qp.setPen(pen) qp.setFont(self.label_font) qp.drawText(top_rect, QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, tab.utils.INT2STR(spd)) qp.drawText(right_rect, QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, tab.utils.INT2STR(spd)) qp.drawText(bottom_rect, QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, tab.utils.INT2STR(spd)) qp.drawText(left_rect, QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, tab.utils.INT2STR(spd))
[docs] def hodo_to_pix(self, ang, spd): ''' Function to convert a (direction, speed) to (x, y) coordinates. Parameters ---------- ang: wind direction spd: wind speed ''' uu, vv = tab.utils.vec2comp(ang, spd) xx = self.centerx + (uu * self.scale) yy = self.centery + (vv * self.scale) return xx, yy
[docs] def uv_to_pix(self, u, v): ''' Function to convert (u, v) to (x, y) coordinates. Parameters ---------- u: the u wind component v: the v wind component ''' if self.wind_units == 'm/s': conv = tab.utils.KTS2MS else: conv = lambda s: s xx = self.centerx + (conv(u) * self.scale) yy = self.centery - (conv(v) * self.scale) return xx, yy
[docs] def pix_to_uv(self, xx, yy): ''' Function to convert (x,y) to (u,v) coordinates. Parameters ---------- xx: the x pixel value yy: the y pixel value ''' if self.wind_units == 'm/s': conv = tab.utils.MS2KTS else: conv = lambda s: s u = conv((xx - self.centerx) / self.scale) v = conv((self.centery - yy) / self.scale) return u, v
[docs]class plotHodo(backgroundHodo): ''' Plots the data on the hodograph. Inherits from the backgroundHodo class that plots the background frame onto a QPixmap. ''' modified = Signal(int, dict) modified_vector = Signal(str, float, float) reset = Signal(list) reset_vector = Signal() toggle_vector = Signal(str) def __init__(self, **kwargs): ''' Initialize the data used in the class. ''' self.bg_color = QtGui.QColor("#000000") self.fg_color = QtGui.QColor("#FFFFFF") self.isotach_color = QtGui.QColor("#555555") super(plotHodo, self).__init__(**kwargs) = None self.pc_idx = 0 self.prof_collections = [] self.all_observed = False self.colors = [ QtGui.QColor("#FF0000"), QtGui.QColor("#00FF00"), QtGui.QColor("#FFFF00"), QtGui.QColor("#00FFFF") ] self.ens_colors = [ QtGui.QColor("#880000"), QtGui.QColor("#008800"), QtGui.QColor("#888800"), QtGui.QColor("#008888") ] self.eff_inflow_color = QtGui.QColor("#00FFFF") self.crit_color = QtGui.QColor("#00FFFF") self.use_left = False self.background_colors = kwargs.get('background_colors', ['#6666CC', '#CC9966', '#66CC99']) ## if you want the storm motion vector, you need to ## provide the profile. self.cursor_type = kwargs.get('cursor', 'none') self.bndy_spd = kwargs.get('bndy_spd', 0) self.bndy_dir = kwargs.get('bndy_dir', 0) self.bndy_u, self.bndy_v = tab.utils.vec2comp(self.bndy_dir, self.bndy_spd) self.track_cursor = False self.was_right_click = False self.drag_hodo = None self.drag_lm = None self.drag_rm = None self.centered = kwargs.get('centered', (0,0)) self.center_loc = 'centered' ## the following is used for the dynamic readout self.setMouseTracking(True) self.bndyReadout = QLabel(parent=self) self.bndyReadout.setFixedWidth(0) ## these stylesheets have to be set for ## each readout self.bndyReadout.setStyleSheet("QLabel {" " background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" " border-width: 0px;" " font-size: 11px;" " color: #00FF00;}") self.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.showCursorMenu) self.popupmenu=QMenu("Cursor Type:") ag = QtWidgets.QActionGroup(self, exclusive=True) self.readout_hght = -999. self.readout_visible = False nocurs = QAction(self) nocurs.setText("No Cursor") nocurs.setCheckable(True) nocurs.setChecked(True) nocurs.triggered.connect(self.setNoCursor) a = ag.addAction(nocurs) self.popupmenu.addAction(a) bnd = QAction(self) bnd.setText("Bndy Cursor") bnd.setCheckable(True) bnd.triggered.connect(self.setBndyCursor) a = ag.addAction(bnd) self.popupmenu.addAction(a) self.popupmenu.addSeparator() ag2 = QtWidgets.QActionGroup(self, exclusive=True) norm = QAction(self) norm.setText("Normal") norm.setCheckable(True) norm.setChecked(True) norm.triggered.connect(self.setNormalCenter) a = ag2.addAction(norm) self.popupmenu.addAction(a) sr = QAction(self) sr.setText("Storm Relative") sr.setCheckable(True) sr.triggered.connect(self.setSRCenter) a = ag2.addAction(sr) self.popupmenu.addAction(a) mw = QAction(self) mw.setText("Mean Wind") mw.setCheckable(True) mw.triggered.connect(self.setMWCenter) a = ag2.addAction(mw) self.popupmenu.addAction(a) self.popupmenu.addSeparator() reset = QAction(self) reset.setText("Reset Hodograph") reset.triggered.connect(lambda: self.reset.emit(['u', 'v'])) self.popupmenu.addAction(reset) reset_vec = QAction(self) reset_vec.setText("Reset Storm Motion") reset_vec.triggered.connect(lambda: self.reset_vector.emit()) self.popupmenu.addAction(reset_vec)
[docs] def addProfileCollection(self, prof_coll): self.prof_collections.append(prof_coll)
[docs] def rmProfileCollection(self, prof_coll): self.prof_collections.remove(prof_coll)
[docs] def setActiveCollection(self, pc_idx, **kwargs): self.pc_idx = pc_idx prof = self.prof_collections[pc_idx].getHighlightedProf() = prof self.hght = prof.hght hght_agl = tab.interp.to_agl(, self.hght) self.u = prof.u; self.v = prof.v cutoff_msl = tab.interp.to_msl(, 12000.) u_12km = tab.interp.generic_interp_hght(12000., hght_agl, self.u) v_12km = tab.interp.generic_interp_hght(12000., hght_agl, self.v) idx_12km = np.searchsorted(hght_agl, 12000.) self.u =[:idx_12km],, self.u[idx_12km:])) self.v =[:idx_12km],, self.v[idx_12km:])) self.hght =[:idx_12km],, self.hght[idx_12km:])) hght_agl = tab.interp.to_agl(, self.hght) ## if you want the storm motion vector, you need to ## provide the profile. self.srwind = self.ptop = self.pbottom = xs, ys = self.uv_to_pix(self.u[hght_agl <= 12000.], self.v[hght_agl <= 12000.]) self.drag_hodo = Draggable(xs, ys, self.plotBitMap, line_color=self.fg_color) rm_x, rm_y = self.uv_to_pix(self.srwind[0], self.srwind[1]) self.drag_rm = Draggable(rm_x, rm_y, self.plotBitMap, line_color=self.fg_color) lm_x, lm_y = self.uv_to_pix(self.srwind[2], self.srwind[3]) self.drag_lm = Draggable(lm_x, lm_y, self.plotBitMap, line_color=self.fg_color) mean_lcl_el = if tab.utils.QC(mean_lcl_el[0]): self.mean_lcl_el = tab.utils.vec2comp(* else: self.mean_lcl_el = (, self.corfidi_up_u =[0] self.corfidi_up_v =[1] self.corfidi_dn_u =[2] self.corfidi_dn_v =[3] self.bunkers_right_vec = tab.utils.comp2vec([0],[1]) self.bunkers_left_vec = tab.utils.comp2vec([2],[3]) self.upshear = tab.utils.comp2vec([0],[1]) self.downshear = tab.utils.comp2vec([2],[3]) self.mean_lcl_el_vec = self.clearData() self.plotData() self.update()
[docs] def setBndyCursor(self): self.track_cursor = True self.cursor_type = 'boundary' self.plotBndy(self.bndy_dir) self.clearData() self.plotData() self.update() self.parentWidget().setFocus()
[docs] def setNoCursor(self): self.track_cursor = False self.cursor_type = 'none' self.unsetCursor() self.clearData() self.plotData() self.update() self.bndyReadout.hide() self.parentWidget().setFocus()
[docs] def showCursorMenu(self, pos): self.popupmenu.popup(self.mapToGlobal(pos))
[docs] def setNormalCenter(self): self.centered = (0, 0) self.center_loc = 'centered' self.clearData() self.center_hodo(self.centered) self.updateDraggables() self.plotData() self.update() self.parentWidget().setFocus()
[docs] def setMWCenter(self): if not tab.utils.QC(self.mean_lcl_el[0]): return self.centered = (self.mean_lcl_el[0],self.mean_lcl_el[1]) self.center_loc = 'meanwind' self.clearData() self.center_hodo(self.centered) self.updateDraggables() self.plotData() self.update() self.parentWidget().setFocus()
[docs] def setSRCenter(self): rstu,rstv,lstu,lstv = self.srwind self.centered = (rstu, rstv) self.center_loc = 'stormrelative' self.clearData() self.center_hodo(self.centered) self.updateDraggables() self.plotData() self.update() self.parentWidget().setFocus()
[docs] def setAllObserved(self, all_observed, update_gui=True): self.all_observed = all_observed if update_gui: self.clearData() self.plotData() self.update() self.parentWidget().setFocus()
[docs] def setPreferences(self, update_gui=True, **kwargs): self.wind_units = kwargs['wind_units'] self.bg_color = QtGui.QColor(kwargs['bg_color']) self.fg_color = QtGui.QColor(kwargs['fg_color']) self.isotach_color = QtGui.QColor(kwargs['hodo_itach_color']) self.crit_color = QtGui.QColor(kwargs['hodo_crit_color']) self.colors = [ QtGui.QColor(kwargs['0_3_color']), QtGui.QColor(kwargs['3_6_color']), QtGui.QColor(kwargs['6_9_color']), QtGui.QColor(kwargs['9_12_color']), ] self.eff_inflow_color = QtGui.QColor(kwargs['eff_inflow_color']) if self.wind_units == 'm/s': self.ring_increment = 5 self.hodomag = 80. self.min_zoom = 20. self.max_zoom = 100. conv = tab.utils.KTS2MS else: self.ring_increment = 10 self.hodomag = 160. self.min_zoom = 40. self.max_zoom = 200. conv = lambda s: s self.scale = (self.brx - self.tlx) / self.hodomag max_uv = int(conv(np.hypot(*self.pix_to_uv(self.brx, self.bry)))) self.rings = range(self.ring_increment, max_uv+self.ring_increment, self.ring_increment) self.plotBitMap.fill(self.bg_color) self.plotBackground() self.backgroundBitMap = self.plotBitMap.copy() if update_gui: self.clearData() self.plotData() self.update() self.parentWidget().setFocus()
[docs] def setDeviant(self, deviant): self.use_left = deviant == 'left' self.clearData() self.plotData() self.update() self.parentWidget().setFocus()
[docs] def wheelEvent(self, e): ''' Handles the zooming of the hodograph. Parameters ---------- e: an Event object ''' super(plotHodo, self).wheelEvent(e) self.updateDraggables()
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, e): ''' Handles when the mouse is pressed. Used to set the storm motion vector. Parameters ---------- e: an Event object ''' if is None: return self.was_right_click = e.button() & QtCore.Qt.RightButton if self.cursor_type == 'none' and not self.was_right_click:, e.y()), e.y()), e.y())
[docs] def mouseReleaseEvent(self, e): if is None: return if self.cursor_type == 'boundary' and not self.was_right_click: if self.track_cursor: qp = QtGui.QPainter() self.bndy_u, self.bndy_v = self.pix_to_uv(e.x(), e.y()) self.bndy_dir, self.bndy_spd = tab.utils.comp2vec(self.bndy_u, self.bndy_v) y1 = 400*np.sin(np.radians(self.bndy_dir)) + e.y() x1 = 400*np.cos(np.radians(self.bndy_dir)) + e.x() y2 = e.y() - 400*np.sin(np.radians(self.bndy_dir)) x2 = e.x() - 400*np.cos(np.radians(self.bndy_dir)) penwidth = 2 width = 300 hght = 14 # Plot the actual boundary boundary_color = QtGui.QColor("#CC9900") pen = QtGui.QPen(boundary_color, penwidth) qp.begin(self.plotBitMap) qp.setRenderHint(qp.Antialiasing) qp.setRenderHint(qp.TextAntialiasing) qp.setPen(pen) qp.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2) center_rm = QtCore.QPointF(e.x(),e.y()) qp.setPen(pen) pen = QtGui.QPen(boundary_color, 50) pen.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.drawEllipse(center_rm, 3, 3) # Plot the shear vector width = 150 qp = self.setBlackPen(qp) rect = QtCore.QRectF(3, self.bry-35, width, hght) qp.drawRect(rect) shear_color = QtGui.QColor("#0099CC") pen = QtGui.QPen(shear_color, penwidth) qp.setFont(self.critical_font) qp.setPen(pen) to_add = self.pix_to_uv(e.x(), e.y()) x2, y2 = self.uv_to_pix([0] + to_add[0],[1]+ to_add[1]) qp.drawLine(e.x(), e.y(), x2, y2) dir, spd = tab.utils.comp2vec([0],[1]) qp.drawText(rect, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft, "0 - 6 km Shear: " + tab.utils.INT2STR(np.float64(dir)) + '/' + tab.utils.INT2STR(spd) + ' kts') # Plot the 9-11 km Storm Relative Winds width = 200 qp = self.setBlackPen(qp) rect = QtCore.QRectF(3, self.bry-20, width, hght) qp.drawRect(rect) srw_color = QtGui.QColor("#FF00FF") pen = QtGui.QPen(srw_color, penwidth) qp.setPen(pen) if self.use_left: srw_9_11km = else: srw_9_11km = x2, y2 = self.uv_to_pix(srw_9_11km[0] + to_add[0], srw_9_11km[1] + to_add[1]) qp.drawLine(e.x(), e.y(), x2, y2) dir, spd = tab.utils.comp2vec(srw_9_11km[0], srw_9_11km[1]) if spd >= 70: supercell_type = "LP" elif spd < 70 and spd > 40: supercell_type = "Classic" else: supercell_type = "HP" qp.drawText(rect, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft, "9 - 11 km SR-Wind: " + tab.utils.INT2STR(np.float64(dir)) + '/' + tab.utils.INT2STR(spd) + ' kts - (' + supercell_type + ')') # Removing this function until @wblumberg can finish fixing this function. """ # Draw the descrete vs mixed/linear mode output only if there is an LCL-EL layer. norm_Shear, mode_Shear, norm_Wind, norm_Mode = self.calculateStormMode() if tab.utils.QC(norm_Wind) and != 0: width = 80 qp = self.setBlackPen(qp) rect = QtCore.QRectF(3, self.bry-80, width, hght) qp.drawRect(rect) color = QtGui.QColor(YELLOW) pen = QtGui.QPen(color, penwidth) qp.setPen(pen) qp.drawText(rect, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft, "...Storm Mode...") width = 270 qp = self.setBlackPen(qp) rect = QtCore.QRectF(3, self.bry-50, width, hght) qp.drawRect(rect) if norm_Wind < 6: color = QtGui.QColor(RED) else: color = QtGui.QColor(MAGENTA) pen = QtGui.QPen(color, penwidth) qp.setPen(pen) qp.drawText(rect, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft, "From Cloud Layer Wind - Bndy Diff (" + tab.utils.INT2STR(norm_Wind) + " m/s): " + norm_Mode) width = 200 qp = self.setBlackPen(qp) rect = QtCore.QRectF(3, self.bry-65, width, hght) qp.drawRect(rect) if norm_Shear < 15: color = QtGui.QColor(RED) else: color = QtGui.QColor(MAGENTA) pen = QtGui.QPen(color, penwidth) qp.setPen(pen) qp.drawText(rect, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft, "From Bndy 0-6 km Shr Diff (" + tab.utils.INT2STR(norm_Shear) + " m/s): " + mode_Shear) """ qp.end() self.update() self.track_cursor = False else: self.plotBndy(self.bndy_dir) self.clearData() self.plotData() self.update() self.track_cursor = True elif self.cursor_type == 'none': if self.drag_hodo.isDragging(): drag_idx, rls_x, rls_y = self.drag_hodo.release(e.x(), e.y()) u, v = self.pix_to_uv(rls_x, rls_y) self.modified.emit(drag_idx, {'u':u, 'v':v}) elif self.drag_rm.isDragging(): drag_idx, rls_x, rls_y = self.drag_rm.release(e.x(), e.y()) u, v = self.pix_to_uv(rls_x, rls_y) self.modified_vector.emit('right', u, v) elif self.drag_lm.isDragging(): drag_idx, rls_x, rls_y = self.drag_lm.release(e.x(), e.y()) u, v = self.pix_to_uv(rls_x, rls_y) self.modified_vector.emit('left', u, v)
[docs] def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, e): if is None: return tol = 5 lm_x, lm_y = self.uv_to_pix(self.srwind[2], self.srwind[3]) rm_x, rm_y = self.uv_to_pix(self.srwind[0], self.srwind[1]) if np.hypot(e.x() - lm_x, e.y() - lm_y) < tol: self.toggle_vector.emit('left') elif np.hypot(e.x() - rm_x, e.y() - rm_y) < tol: self.toggle_vector.emit('right')
[docs] def setBlackPen(self, qp): color = self.bg_color color.setAlphaF(.5) pen = QtGui.QPen(color, 0, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) brush = QtGui.QBrush(self.bg_color, QtCore.Qt.SolidPattern) qp.setPen(pen) qp.setBrush(brush) return qp
[docs] def calculateStormMode(self): """ Logic based off of some of the key findings in Dial et al. (2010) """ dir_06shear, mag_06shear = tab.utils.comp2vec([0],[1]) norm_shear = mag_06shear * np.sin( np.radians( dir_06shear - (self.bndy_dir + 90)) ) norm_shear = np.abs(tab.utils.KTS2MS(norm_shear)) if norm_shear < 15: # M/S shear_mode = "Linear/Mixed" else: shear_mode = "Discrete" if not tab.utils.QC(self.mean_lcl_el[0]) or (self.mean_lcl_el[0] == 0 and self.mean_lcl_el[1] == 0): wind_mode = wind_diff = else: dir_cloud, mag_cloud = tab.utils.comp2vec([0],[1]) norm_cloudmotion = mag_cloud * np.sin( np.radians( dir_cloud - (self.bndy_dir + 90) ) ) wind_diff = tab.utils.KTS2MS(np.abs(norm_cloudmotion) - self.bndy_spd) if wind_diff > 6: # M/S wind_mode = "Discrete" else: wind_mode = "Linear/Mixed" return norm_shear, shear_mode, wind_diff, wind_mode
[docs] def plotBndy(self, direction): length = 40 y1 = length*np.sin(np.radians(direction)) x1 = length*np.cos(np.radians(direction)) penwidth = 2 top_x_pix = x1 + length/2 top_y_pix = y1 + length/2 bot_x_pix = length/2 - x1 bot_y_pix = length/2 - y1 pixmap = QPixmap(length,length) pixmap.fill(Qt.transparent) painter = QPainter(pixmap) boundary_color = QtGui.QColor("#CC9900") pen = QtGui.QPen(boundary_color, penwidth) painter.setPen(pen) painter.drawLine(top_x_pix, top_y_pix, bot_x_pix, bot_y_pix) center_rm = QtCore.QPointF(length/2, length/2) pen = QtGui.QPen(boundary_color, 2) painter.setPen(pen) painter.drawEllipse(center_rm, 3, 3) painter.end() self.setCursor(pixmap)
[docs] def mouseMoveEvent(self, e): ''' Handles the tracking of the mouse to provide the dynamic readouts. Parameters ---------- e: an Event object ''' # TAS: Why are these necessary? if is None: return if self.cursor_type == 'boundary': u, v = self.pix_to_uv(e.x(), e.y()) ## get the direction and speed from u,v dir, spd = tab.utils.comp2vec(u,v) self.plotBndy(dir) self.bndyReadout.setText('Bndy Motion: ' + tab.utils.INT2STR(np.float64(dir)) + '/' + tab.utils.INT2STR(spd)) self.bndyReadout.setFixedWidth(120) self.bndyReadout.move(self.brx-130, self.bry-30) elif self.cursor_type == 'none': self.drag_hodo.drag(e.x(), e.y()) self.drag_rm.drag(e.x(), e.y()) self.drag_lm.drag(e.x(), e.y()) self.update()
[docs] def updateDraggables(self): hght_agl = tab.interp.to_agl(, self.hght) xs, ys = self.uv_to_pix(self.u[hght_agl <= 12000.], self.v[hght_agl <= 12000.]) self.drag_hodo.setCoords(xs, ys) rm_x, rm_y = self.uv_to_pix(self.srwind[0], self.srwind[1]) self.drag_rm.setCoords(rm_x, rm_y) lm_x, lm_y = self.uv_to_pix(self.srwind[2], self.srwind[3]) self.drag_lm.setCoords(lm_x, lm_y)
[docs] @Slot(bool) def cursorToggle(self, toggle): self.readout_visible = toggle self.update()
[docs] @Slot(float) def cursorMove(self, hght): self.readout_hght = hght self.update()
[docs] def resizeEvent(self, e): ''' Resize the plot based on adjusting the main window. Parameters ---------- e: an Event object ''' super(plotHodo, self).resizeEvent(e) self.plotData()
[docs] def paintEvent(self, e): ''' Handles painting the QPixmap onto the QWidget frame. Parameters ---------- e: an Event object ''' if draw_readout = self.readout_visible and self.readout_hght >= 0 and self.readout_hght <= 12000. else: draw_readout = False if draw_readout: hght_agl = tab.interp.to_agl(, self.hght) u_interp = tab.interp.generic_interp_hght(self.readout_hght, hght_agl, self.u) v_interp = tab.interp.generic_interp_hght(self.readout_hght, hght_agl, self.v) if tab.utils.QC(u_interp): wd_interp, ws_interp = tab.utils.comp2vec(u_interp, v_interp) if self.wind_units == 'm/s': ws_interp = tab.utils.KTS2MS(ws_interp) units = 'm/s' else: units = 'kts' xx, yy = self.uv_to_pix(u_interp, v_interp) readout = "%03d/%02d %s" % (wd_interp, ws_interp, units) else: readout = "--/-- %s" % (self.wind_units) super(plotHodo, self).paintEvent(e) qp = QtGui.QPainter() qp.begin(self) qp.drawPixmap(0, 0, self.plotBitMap) if draw_readout and tab.utils.QC(u_interp): h_offset = 2; v_offset=5; width = 55; hght = 16; text_rect = QtCore.QRectF(xx+h_offset, yy+v_offset, width, hght) qp.fillRect(text_rect, self.bg_color) qp.setPen(QtGui.QPen(self.fg_color, 1)) qp.drawEllipse(QPointF(xx, yy), 4, 4) ## now make the pen white and draw text using ## the invisible rectangles qp.setFont(self.readout_font) qp.drawText(text_rect, QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, readout) qp.end()
[docs] def clearData(self): ''' Clears/resets the base QPixmap. ''' self.plotBitMap = self.backgroundBitMap.copy() self.drag_hodo.setBackground(self.plotBitMap) self.drag_rm.setBackground(self.plotBitMap) self.drag_lm.setBackground(self.plotBitMap)
[docs] def plotData(self): ''' Handles the plotting of the data in the QPixmap. ''' ## initialize a QPainter object if is None: return qp = QtGui.QPainter() qp.begin(self.plotBitMap) qp.setRenderHint(qp.Antialiasing) qp.setRenderHint(qp.TextAntialiasing) cur_dt = self.prof_collections[self.pc_idx].getCurrentDate() bc_idx = 0 for idx, prof_coll in enumerate(self.prof_collections): # Draw all unhighlighed members if prof_coll.getCurrentDate() == cur_dt: proflist = list(prof_coll.getCurrentProfs().values()) if idx == self.pc_idx: for prof in proflist: if prof.wdir.count() > 1: self.draw_hodo(qp, prof, self.ens_colors, width=1) else: for prof in proflist: self.draw_profile(qp, prof, color=self.background_colors[bc_idx], width=1) bc_idx = (bc_idx + 1) % len(self.background_colors) bc_idx = 0 for idx, prof_coll in enumerate(self.prof_collections): # Draw all highlighted members that aren't the active one. if idx != self.pc_idx and (prof_coll.getCurrentDate() == cur_dt or self.all_observed): prof = prof_coll.getHighlightedProf() self.draw_profile(qp, prof, color=self.background_colors[bc_idx]) bc_idx = (bc_idx + 1) % len(self.background_colors) # ONLY DRAW A HODOGRAPH IF THERE'S WIND DATA if > 1: ## draw the hodograph self.draw_hodo(qp,, self.colors) ## draw the storm motion vector self.drawSMV(qp) self.drawCorfidi(qp) self.drawLCLtoEL_MW(qp) if self.cursor_type in [ 'none', 'stormmotion' ]: self.drawCriticalAngle(qp) qp.end()
[docs] def drawLCLtoEL_MW(self, qp): ''' Draws the LCL to EL mean wind onto the hodo. Parameters ---------- qp: a QPainter object ''' penwidth = 2 pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor("#B8860B"), penwidth) pen.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) if not tab.utils.QC(self.mean_lcl_el[0]) or not tab.utils.QC(self.mean_lcl_el[1]): return mean_u, mean_v = self.uv_to_pix(self.mean_lcl_el[0],self.mean_lcl_el[1]) half_length = (8./2.) qp.drawRect(mean_u-half_length, mean_v+half_length ,8,8) # This probably needs to be checked. color = self.bg_color color.setAlpha(0) pen = QtGui.QPen(color, 0, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) v_offset=5; h_offset = 1; width = 40; hght = 12; mw_rect = QtCore.QRectF(mean_u+h_offset, mean_v+v_offset, width, hght) qp.drawRect(mw_rect) pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor("#B8860B")) qp.setPen(pen) qp.setFont(self.label_font) mw_spd = self.mean_lcl_el_vec[1] if self.wind_units == 'm/s': mw_spd = tab.utils.KTS2MS(mw_spd) mw_str = tab.utils.INT2STR(np.float64(self.mean_lcl_el_vec[0])) + '/' + tab.utils.INT2STR(mw_spd) qp.drawText(mw_rect, QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, mw_str)
[docs] def drawCorfidi(self, qp): ''' Draw the Corfidi upshear/downshear vectors Parameters ---------- qp: a QPainter object ''' penwidth = 1 pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor("#00BFFF"), penwidth) pen.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) if not np.isfinite(self.corfidi_up_u) or not np.isfinite(self.corfidi_up_v) or \ not np.isfinite(self.corfidi_dn_u) or not np.isfinite(self.corfidi_dn_v): return try: up_u, up_v = self.uv_to_pix(self.corfidi_up_u, self.corfidi_up_v) dn_u, dn_v = self.uv_to_pix(self.corfidi_dn_u, self.corfidi_dn_v) center_up = QtCore.QPointF(up_u, up_v) center_dn = QtCore.QPointF(dn_u, dn_v) ## draw circles around the center point of the Corfidi vectors qp.drawEllipse(center_up, 3, 3) qp.drawEllipse(center_dn, 3, 3) except: return up_u, up_v = self.uv_to_pix(self.corfidi_up_u, self.corfidi_up_v) dn_u, dn_v = self.uv_to_pix(self.corfidi_dn_u, self.corfidi_dn_v) center_up = QtCore.QPointF(up_u, up_v) center_dn = QtCore.QPointF(dn_u, dn_v) ## draw circles around the center point of the Corfidi vectors qp.drawEllipse(center_up, 3, 3) qp.drawEllipse(center_dn, 3, 3) color = self.bg_color color.setAlpha(0) pen = QtGui.QPen(color, 0, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) v_offset=3; h_offset = 1; width = 60; hght = 10; up_rect = QtCore.QRectF(up_u+h_offset, up_v+v_offset, width, hght) dn_rect = QtCore.QRectF(dn_u+h_offset, dn_v+v_offset, width, hght) qp.drawRect(up_rect) qp.drawRect(dn_rect) ## now make the pen white and draw text using ## the invisible rectangles pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor("#00BFFF")) qp.setPen(pen) qp.setFont(self.label_font) up_spd = self.upshear[1] dn_spd = self.downshear[1] if self.wind_units == 'm/s': up_spd = tab.utils.KTS2MS(up_spd) dn_spd = tab.utils.KTS2MS(dn_spd) up_stuff = tab.utils.INT2STR(np.float64(self.upshear[0])) + '/' + tab.utils.INT2STR(up_spd) dn_stuff = tab.utils.INT2STR(np.float64(self.downshear[0])) + '/' + tab.utils.INT2STR(dn_spd) qp.drawText(up_rect, QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, "UP=" + up_stuff) qp.drawText(dn_rect, QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, "DN=" + dn_stuff)
[docs] def drawSMV(self, qp): ''' Draws the storm motion vector. Parameters ---------- qp: QtGui.QPainter object ''' ## set a pen with white color, width 1, solid line. penwidth = 1 pen = QtGui.QPen(self.fg_color, penwidth) pen.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) ## check and make sure there is no missing data rstu,rstv,lstu,lstv = self.srwind bkru,bkrv,bklu,bklv = # make sure the storm motion exists if not tab.utils.QC(rstu) or not tab.utils.QC(lstu): return ## convert the left and right mover vector components to pixel values ruu, rvv = self.uv_to_pix(bkru, bkrv) luu, lvv = self.uv_to_pix(bklu, bklv) ## calculate the center points of the storm motion vectors center_rm = QtCore.QPointF(ruu, rvv) center_lm = QtCore.QPointF(luu, lvv) # Draw +'s at the bunkers vector locations qp.drawLine(center_rm - QPoint(2, 0), center_rm + QPoint(2, 0)) qp.drawLine(center_rm - QPoint(0, 2), center_rm + QPoint(0, 2)) qp.drawLine(center_lm - QPoint(2, 0), center_lm + QPoint(2, 0)) qp.drawLine(center_lm - QPoint(0, 2), center_lm + QPoint(0, 2)) # Repeat for the user storm motion vectors ruu, rvv = self.uv_to_pix(rstu,rstv) luu, lvv = self.uv_to_pix(lstu,lstv) center_rm = QtCore.QPointF(ruu,rvv) center_lm = QtCore.QPointF(luu,lvv) ## draw circles around the storm motion vectors qp.drawEllipse(center_rm, 5, 5) qp.drawEllipse(center_lm, 5, 5) ## get the effective inflow layer ptop, pbottom = self.ptop, self.pbottom ## make sure the effective inflow layer and storm motion vectors exist if tab.utils.QC(ptop) and tab.utils.QC(pbottom): ## get the interpolated wind at the bottom and top ## of the effective inflow layer utop,vtop = tab.interp.components(, ptop) ubot,vbot = tab.interp.components(, pbottom) ## convert these values to pixels uutop, vvtop = self.uv_to_pix(utop, vtop) uubot, vvbot = self.uv_to_pix(ubot, vbot) ## set a pen pen = QtGui.QPen(self.eff_inflow_color, penwidth) pen.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) ## draw lines showing the effective inflow layer if self.use_left: qp.drawLine(center_lm.x(), center_lm.y(), uubot, vvbot) qp.drawLine(center_lm.x(), center_lm.y(), uutop, vvtop) else: qp.drawLine(center_rm.x(), center_rm.y(), uubot, vvbot) qp.drawLine(center_rm.x(), center_rm.y(), uutop, vvtop) color = self.bg_color color.setAlpha(0) pen = QtGui.QPen(color, 0, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) h_offset = 2; v_offset=5; width = 55; hght = 12; rm_rect = QtCore.QRectF(ruu+h_offset, rvv+v_offset, width, hght) lm_rect = QtCore.QRectF(luu+h_offset, lvv+v_offset, width, hght) qp.drawRect(rm_rect) qp.drawRect(lm_rect) ## now make the pen white and draw text using ## the invisible rectangles pen = QtGui.QPen(self.fg_color) qp.setPen(pen) qp.setFont(self.label_font) rm_spd = self.bunkers_right_vec[1] lm_spd = self.bunkers_left_vec[1] if self.wind_units == 'm/s': rm_spd = tab.utils.KTS2MS(rm_spd) lm_spd = tab.utils.KTS2MS(lm_spd) rm_stuff = tab.utils.INT2STR(np.float64(self.bunkers_right_vec[0])) + '/' + tab.utils.INT2STR(rm_spd) lm_stuff = tab.utils.INT2STR(np.float64(self.bunkers_left_vec[0])) + '/' + tab.utils.INT2STR(lm_spd) qp.drawText(rm_rect, QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, rm_stuff + " RM") qp.drawText(lm_rect, QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, lm_stuff + " LM")
[docs] def drawCriticalAngle(self, qp): ''' Plot the critical angle on the hodograph and show the value in the hodograph. Parameters ---------- qp : QtGui.QPainter object ''' pres_500m = tab.interp.pres(, tab.interp.to_msl(, 500)) sfc_u, sfc_v = tab.interp.components(,[]) u500, v500 = tab.interp.components(, pres_500m) if tab.utils.QC(self.ptop) and tab.utils.QC(self.pbottom) and \ self.pbottom ==[] and \ tab.utils.QC(sfc_u) and tab.utils.QC(sfc_v) and \ tab.utils.QC(u500) and tab.utils.QC(v500): # There is an effective inflow layer at the surface so draw the critical angle line ca_color = QtGui.QColor("#FF00FF") sfc_u_pix, sfc_v_pix = self.uv_to_pix(sfc_u,sfc_v) u500_pix, v500_pix = self.uv_to_pix(u500, v500) pen = QtGui.QPen(ca_color, 1.0, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) qp.drawLine(sfc_u_pix, sfc_v_pix, u500_pix, v500_pix) vec1_u, vec1_v = u500 - sfc_u, v500 - sfc_v try: mask = np.maximum( self.u, self.v ) rstu,rstv,lstu,lstv = self.srwind rstu = rstu[~mask]; rstv = rstv[~mask] except: rstu,rstv,lstu,lstv = self.srwind if tab.utils.QC(rstu) and tab.utils.QC(lstu): qp = self.setBlackPen(qp) rect = QtCore.QRectF(15, self.bry-36, 100, self.critical_height + 5) qp.drawRect(rect) ca_text_color = self.crit_color pen = QtGui.QPen(ca_text_color, 1.0, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) qp.setFont(self.critical_font) offset = 10 if self.use_left: critical_angle = else: critical_angle = qp.drawText(rect, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft, 'Critical Angle = ' + tab.utils.INT2STR(critical_angle) + u"\u00B0")
[docs] def draw_hodo(self, qp, prof, colors, width=2): ''' Plot the Hodograph. Parameters ---------- qp: QtGui.QPainter object ''' ## check for masked daata try: mask = np.maximum(np.maximum(prof.u.mask, prof.v.mask), prof.hght.mask) z = tab.interp.to_agl(prof, prof.hght)[~mask] u = prof.u[~mask] v = prof.v[~mask] ## otherwise the data is fine except: z = tab.interp.to_agl(prof, prof.hght ) u = prof.u v = prof.v ## convert the u and v values to x and y pixels xx, yy = self.uv_to_pix(u, v) ## define the colors for the different hodograph heights penwidth = width seg_bnds = np.maximum([0., 3000., 6000., 9000., 12000.], z.min()) seg_x = [ tab.interp.generic_interp_hght(bnd, z, xx) for bnd in seg_bnds if bnd <= z.max() ] seg_y = [ tab.interp.generic_interp_hght(bnd, z, yy) for bnd in seg_bnds if bnd <= z.max() ] seg_idxs = np.searchsorted(z, seg_bnds) for idx in range(len(seg_x) - 1): ## define a pen to draw with pen = QtGui.QPen(colors[idx], penwidth) pen.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) path = QPainterPath() path.moveTo(seg_x[idx], seg_y[idx]) for z_idx in range(seg_idxs[idx], seg_idxs[idx + 1]): path.lineTo(xx[z_idx], yy[z_idx]) path.lineTo(seg_x[idx + 1], seg_y[idx + 1]) qp.drawPath(path) if z.max() < max(seg_bnds): idx = len(seg_x) - 1 pen = QtGui.QPen(colors[idx], penwidth) pen.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) path = QPainterPath() path.moveTo(seg_x[idx], seg_y[idx]) for z_idx in range(seg_idxs[idx], len(xx)): path.lineTo(xx[z_idx], yy[z_idx]) qp.drawPath(path)
[docs] def draw_profile(self, qp, prof, color="#6666CC", width=2): ''' Plot the Hodograph. Parameters ---------- qp: QtGui.QPainter object ''' ## check for masked daata try: mask = np.maximum(np.maximum(prof.u.mask, prof.v.mask), prof.hght.mask) z = tab.interp.to_agl(prof, prof.hght[~mask]) u = prof.u[~mask] v = prof.v[~mask] ## otherwise the data is fine except: z = tab.interp.to_agl(prof, prof.hght ) u = prof.u v = prof.v ## convert the u and v values to x and y pixels xx, yy = self.uv_to_pix(u, v) penwidth = width pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(color), penwidth) pen.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) qp.setBrush(Qt.NoBrush) seg_bnds = [0., 3000., 6000., 9000., 12000.] seg_x = [ tab.interp.generic_interp_hght(bnd, z, xx) for bnd in seg_bnds if bnd <= z.max() ] seg_y = [ tab.interp.generic_interp_hght(bnd, z, yy) for bnd in seg_bnds if bnd <= z.max() ] seg_idxs = np.searchsorted(z, seg_bnds) for idx in range(len(seg_x) - 1): ## define a pen to draw with pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(color), penwidth) pen.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) path = QPainterPath() path.moveTo(seg_x[idx], seg_y[idx]) for z_idx in range(seg_idxs[idx], seg_idxs[idx + 1]): path.lineTo(xx[z_idx], yy[z_idx]) path.lineTo(seg_x[idx + 1], seg_y[idx + 1]) qp.drawPath(path) if z.max() < max(seg_bnds): idx = len(seg_x) - 1 pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(color), penwidth) pen.setStyle(QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) path = QPainterPath() path.moveTo(seg_x[idx], seg_y[idx]) for z_idx in range(seg_idxs[idx], len(xx)): path.lineTo(xx[z_idx], yy[z_idx]) qp.drawPath(path)
if __name__ == '__main__': app_frame = QtGui.QApplication([]) tester = plotHodo() #tester.setProf() app_frame.exec_()