Source code for sharppy.viz.thermo

import numpy as np
from qtpy import QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets
from qtpy.QtCore import *
from qtpy.QtGui import *
import sharppy.sharptab as tab
from sharppy.sharptab.constants import *
import datetime
import platform

## routine written by Kelton Halbert

__all__ = ['backgroundText', 'plotText']

[docs]class backgroundText(QtWidgets.QFrame): ''' Handles drawing the background frame onto a QPixmap. Inherits a QtWidgets.QFrame Object. ''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(backgroundText, self).__init__() self.initUI()
[docs] def initUI(self): ''' Initializes frame variables such as padding, width, height, etc, as well as the QPixmap that contains the frame drawing. ''' ## set the frame stylesheet self.setStyleSheet("QFrame {" " background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" " border-width: 1px;" " border-style: solid;" " border-color: #3399CC;}") ## set the frame padding ## set the height/width variables self.lpad = 0; self.rpad = 0 self.tpad = 5; self.bpad = 0 self.wid = self.size().width() self.hgt = self.size().height() self.tlx = self.rpad; self.tly = self.tpad self.brx = self.wid; self.bry = self.hgt ## do a DPI check to make sure ## the text is sized properly! fsize = np.floor(.06 * self.hgt) self.tpad = np.floor(.03 * self.hgt) ## set the font, get the metrics and height of the font self.label_font = QtGui.QFont('Helvetica') self.label_font.setPixelSize(fsize) self.label_metrics = QtGui.QFontMetrics( self.label_font ) self.label_height = self.label_metrics.xHeight() + self.tpad ## the self.ylast variable is used as a running sum for ## text placement. self.ylast = self.label_height ## initialize the QPixmap that will be drawn on. self.plotBitMap = QtGui.QPixmap(self.width()-2, self.height()-2) self.plotBitMap.fill(self.bg_color) ## plot the background frame self.plotBackground()
[docs] def draw_frame(self, qp): ''' Draws the background frame and the text headers for indices. ''' ## initialize a white pen with thickness 1 and a solid line pen = QtGui.QPen(self.fg_color, 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) qp.setFont(self.label_font) ## set the horizontal grid to be the width of the frame ## divided into 8 spaces x1 = self.brx / 8 y1 = 1 ## draw the header and the indices using a loop. ## This loop is a 'horizontal' loop that will plot ## the text for a row, keeping the vertical placement constant. count = 0 titles = ['PCL', 'CAPE', 'CINH', 'LCL', 'LI', 'LFC', 'EL'] for title in titles: rect = QtCore.QRect(x1*count, y1, x1*2, self.label_height) qp.drawText(rect, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, title) count += 1 vspace = self.label_height if platform.system() == "Windows": vspace += self.label_metrics.descent() qp.drawLine(0, vspace, self.brx, vspace) self.ylast = vspace
[docs] def resizeEvent(self, e): ''' Handles when the window gets resized. ''' self.initUI()
[docs] def plotBackground(self): ''' Handles drawing the text background onto the QPixmap. ''' ## initialize a QPainter objext qp = QtGui.QPainter() qp.begin(self.plotBitMap) ## draw the frame self.draw_frame(qp) qp.end()
[docs]class plotText(backgroundText): updatepcl = Signal(tab.params.Parcel) ''' Handles plotting the indices in the frame. Inherits a backgroundText Object that contains a QPixmap with the frame drawn on it. All drawing gets done on this QPixmap, and then the QPixmap gets rendered by the paintEvent function. ''' def __init__(self, pcl_types): ''' Initialize the data from a Profile object passed to this class. It then takes the data it needs from the Profile object and converts them into strings that can be used to draw the text in the frame. Parameters ---------- pcl_types : ''' self.bg_color = QtGui.QColor('#000000') self.fg_color = QtGui.QColor('#ffffff') self.pw_units = 'in' self.temp_units = 'Fahrenheit' self.alert_colors = [ QtGui.QColor('#775000'), QtGui.QColor('#996600'), QtGui.QColor('#ffffff'), QtGui.QColor('#ffff00'), QtGui.QColor('#ff0000'), QtGui.QColor('#e700df'), ] self.left_scp_color = QtGui.QColor('#00ffff') self.pcl_sel_color = QtGui.QColor('#00ffff') self.pcl_cin_hi_color = QtGui.QColor('#993333') self.pcl_cin_md_color = QtGui.QColor('#996600') self.pcl_cin_lo_color = QtGui.QColor('#00ff00') self.use_left = False ## get the parcels to be displayed in the GUI super(plotText, self).__init__() = None; self.pcl_types = pcl_types self.parcels = {} self.bounds = np.empty((4,2)) self.setDefaultParcel() self.w = SelectParcels(self.pcl_types, self)
[docs] def setDefaultParcel(self): idx = np.where(np.asarray(self.pcl_types) == "MU")[0] if len(idx) == 0: self.skewt_pcl = 0 else: self.skewt_pcl = idx[0]
[docs] def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, e):
[docs] def setParcels(self, prof): self.parcels["SFC"] = prof.sfcpcl # Set the surface parcel self.parcels["ML"] = prof.mlpcl self.parcels["FCST"] = prof.fcstpcl self.parcels["MU"] = prof.mupcl self.parcels["EFF"] = prof.effpcl self.parcels["USER"] = prof.usrpcl
[docs] def setProf(self, prof): self.ylast = self.label_height self.setParcels(prof) = prof; ## either get or calculate the indices, round to the nearest int, and ## convert them to strings. ## K Index self.k_idx = tab.utils.INT2STR( prof.k_idx ) ## precipitable water self.pwat = prof.pwat ## 0-3km agl lapse rate self.lapserate_3km = tab.utils.FLOAT2STR( prof.lapserate_3km, 1 ) ## 3-6km agl lapse rate self.lapserate_3_6km = tab.utils.FLOAT2STR( prof.lapserate_3_6km, 1 ) ## 850-500mb lapse rate self.lapserate_850_500 = tab.utils.FLOAT2STR( prof.lapserate_850_500, 1 ) ## 700-500mb lapse rate self.lapserate_700_500 = tab.utils.FLOAT2STR( prof.lapserate_700_500, 1 ) ## convective temperature self.convT = prof.convT ## sounding forecast surface temperature self.maxT = prof.maxT #fzl = str(int(self.sfcparcel.hght0c)) ## 100mb mean mixing ratio self.mean_mixr = tab.utils.FLOAT2STR( prof.mean_mixr, 1 ) ## 150mb mean rh self.low_rh = tab.utils.INT2STR( prof.low_rh ) self.mid_rh = tab.utils.INT2STR( prof.mid_rh ) ## calculate the totals totals index self.totals_totals = tab.utils.INT2STR( prof.totals_totals ) self.dcape = tab.utils.INT2STR( prof.dcape ) self.drush = prof.drush self.sigsevere = tab.utils.INT2STR( prof.sig_severe ) self.mmp = tab.utils.FLOAT2STR( prof.mmp, 2 ) self.esp = tab.utils.FLOAT2STR( prof.esp, 1 ) self.wndg = tab.utils.FLOAT2STR( prof.wndg, 1 ) self.tei = tab.utils.INT2STR( prof.tei ) self.clearData() self.plotBackground() self.plotData() self.update()
[docs] def setPreferences(self, update_gui=True, **prefs): self.pw_units = prefs['pw_units'] self.temp_units = prefs['temp_units'] self.bg_color = QtGui.QColor(prefs['bg_color']) self.fg_color = QtGui.QColor(prefs['fg_color']) self.pwat_colors = [ QtGui.QColor(prefs['pwat_m3_color']), QtGui.QColor(prefs['pwat_m2_color']), QtGui.QColor(prefs['pwat_m1_color']), self.fg_color, QtGui.QColor(prefs['pwat_p1_color']), QtGui.QColor(prefs['pwat_p2_color']), QtGui.QColor(prefs['pwat_p3_color']), ] self.alert_colors = [ QtGui.QColor(prefs['alert_l1_color']), QtGui.QColor(prefs['alert_l2_color']), QtGui.QColor(prefs['alert_l3_color']), QtGui.QColor(prefs['alert_l4_color']), QtGui.QColor(prefs['alert_l5_color']), QtGui.QColor(prefs['alert_l6_color']), ] self.left_scp_color = QtGui.QColor(prefs['alert_lscp_color']) self.pcl_sel_color = QtGui.QColor(prefs['pcl_sel_color']) self.pcl_cin_hi_color = QtGui.QColor(prefs['pcl_cin_hi_color']) self.pcl_cin_md_color = QtGui.QColor(prefs['pcl_cin_md_color']) self.pcl_cin_lo_color = QtGui.QColor(prefs['pcl_cin_lo_color']) if update_gui: self.clearData() self.plotBackground() self.plotData() self.update()
[docs] def setDeviant(self, deviant): self.use_left = deviant == 'left' self.clearData() self.plotBackground() self.plotData() self.update()
[docs] def resizeEvent(self, e): ''' Handles when the window is resized. Parametes --------- e: an Event Object ''' super(plotText, self).resizeEvent(e) self.plotData()
[docs] def paintEvent(self, e): ''' Handles when the window gets painted. This renders the QPixmap that the backgroundText Object contians. For the actual drawing of the data, see the plotData function. Parametes --------- e: an Event Object ''' super(plotText, self).paintEvent(e) qp = QtGui.QPainter() qp.begin(self) qp.drawPixmap(1, 1, self.plotBitMap) qp.end()
[docs] def plotData(self): ''' Handles the drawing of the text onto the QPixmap. This is where the actual data gets plotted/drawn. ''' if is None: return ## initialize a QPainter object qp = QtGui.QPainter() qp.begin(self.plotBitMap) ## draw the indices self.drawConvectiveIndices(qp) self.drawIndices(qp) self.drawSevere(qp) qp.end()
[docs] def clearData(self): ''' Handles the clearing of the pixmap in the frame. ''' self.plotBitMap = QtGui.QPixmap(self.width(), self.height()) self.plotBitMap.fill(self.bg_color)
[docs] def drawSevere(self, qp): ''' This handles the severe indices, such as STP, sig hail, etc. Parameters ---------- qp: QtGui.QPainter object ''' ## initialize a pen to draw with. pen = QtGui.QPen(QtCore.Qt.yellow, 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) self.label_font.setBold(True) qp.setFont(self.label_font) color_list = self.alert_colors ## needs to be coded. x1 = self.brx / 10 y1 = self.ylast + self.tpad ship = ship_str = tab.utils.FLOAT2STR( ship, 1 ) if self.use_left: stp_fixed = stp_cin = scp = else: stp_fixed = stp_cin = scp = stp_fixed_str = tab.utils.FLOAT2STR( stp_fixed, 1 ) stp_cin_str = tab.utils.FLOAT2STR( stp_cin, 1 ) scp_str = tab.utils.FLOAT2STR( scp, 1 ) if < 0: stp_fixed = -stp_fixed stp_cin = -stp_cin scp = -scp # Coloring thresholds provided by Rich Thompson (SPC) labels = ['Supercell = ', 'STP (cin) = ', 'STP (fix) = ', 'SHIP = '] indices = [scp, stp_cin, stp_fixed, ship] index_strs = [scp_str, stp_cin_str, stp_fixed_str, ship_str] for label, index_str, index in zip(labels,index_strs,indices): rect = QtCore.QRect(x1*7, y1, x1*8, self.label_height) if index == '--': pen = QtGui.QPen(color_list[0], 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) elif label == labels[0]: # STP uses a different color scale if index >= 19.95: pen = QtGui.QPen(color_list[5], 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) elif index >= 11.95: pen = QtGui.QPen(color_list[4], 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) elif index >= 1.95: pen = QtGui.QPen(color_list[2], 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) elif index >= .45: pen = QtGui.QPen(color_list[1], 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) elif index >= -.45: pen = QtGui.QPen(color_list[0], 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) elif index < -.45: pen = QtGui.QPen(self.left_scp_color, 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) elif label == labels[1]: # STP effective if index >= 8: pen = QtGui.QPen(color_list[5], 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) elif index >= 4: pen = QtGui.QPen(color_list[4], 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) elif index >= 2: pen = QtGui.QPen(color_list[3], 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) elif index >= 1: pen = QtGui.QPen(color_list[2], 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) elif index >= .5: pen = QtGui.QPen(color_list[1], 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) elif index < .5: pen = QtGui.QPen(color_list[0], 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) elif label == labels[2]: # STP fixed if index >= 7: pen = QtGui.QPen(color_list[5], 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) elif index >= 5: pen = QtGui.QPen(color_list[4], 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) elif index >= 2: pen = QtGui.QPen(color_list[3], 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) elif index >= 1: pen = QtGui.QPen(color_list[2], 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) elif index >= .5: pen = QtGui.QPen(color_list[1], 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) else: pen = QtGui.QPen(color_list[0], 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) elif label == labels[3]: # SHIP if index >= 5: pen = QtGui.QPen(color_list[5], 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) elif index >= 2: pen = QtGui.QPen(color_list[4], 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) elif index >= 1: pen = QtGui.QPen(color_list[3], 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) elif index >= .5: pen = QtGui.QPen(color_list[2], 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) else: pen = QtGui.QPen(color_list[0], 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) qp.drawText(rect, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft, label + index_str) vspace = self.label_height if platform.system() == "Windows": vspace += self.label_metrics.descent() y1 += vspace self.label_font.setBold(False)
[docs] def drawIndices(self, qp): ''' Draws the non-parcel indices. Parameters ---------- qp: QtGui.QPainter object ''' qp.setFont(self.label_font) ## make the initial x point relatice to the width of the frame. x1 = self.brx / 10 rpad = 5 tpad = 5 ## Now we have all the data we could ever want. Time to start drawing ## them on the frame. ## This starts with the left column. std_dev = [ u'(<3\u03C3)', u'(2-3\u03C3)', u'(1-2\u03C3)', '', u'(1-2\u03C3)', u'(2-3\u03C3)', u'(>3\u03C3)' ] color = self.pwat_colors[ + 3] dist_string = std_dev[ + 3] if self.pw_units == 'cm': pw_display = tab.utils.IN2CM(self.pwat) pw_display = tab.utils.FLOAT2STR( pw_display, 1 ) else: pw_display = self.pwat pw_display = tab.utils.FLOAT2STR( pw_display, 2 ) ## draw the first column of text using a loop, keeping the horizontal ## placement constant. y1 = self.ylast + self.tpad if self.temp_units == 'Fahrenheit': t_units_disp = 'F' drush_disp = tab.utils.INT2STR( self.drush ) convT_disp = tab.utils.INT2STR( self.convT ) maxT_disp = tab.utils.INT2STR( self.maxT ) elif self.temp_units == 'Celsius': t_units_disp = 'C' drush_disp = tab.utils.INT2STR( tab.thermo.ftoc(self.drush) ) convT_disp = tab.utils.INT2STR( tab.thermo.ftoc(self.convT) ) maxT_disp = tab.utils.INT2STR( tab.thermo.ftoc(self.maxT) ) colors = [color, self.fg_color, self.fg_color, self.fg_color, self.fg_color, self.fg_color] texts = ['PW = ', 'MeanW = ', 'LowRH = ', 'MidRH = ', 'DCAPE = ', 'DownT = '] indices = [pw_display + self.pw_units + ' ' + dist_string, self.mean_mixr + 'g/kg', self.low_rh + '%', self.mid_rh + '%', self.dcape, drush_disp + t_units_disp] for text, index, c in zip(texts, indices, colors): rect = QtCore.QRect(rpad, y1, x1*4, self.label_height) pen = QtGui.QPen(c, 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) qp.drawText(rect, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft, text + index) vspace = self.label_height if platform.system() == "Windows": vspace += self.label_metrics.descent() y1 += vspace ## middle-left column y1 = self.ylast + self.tpad texts = ['K = ', 'TT = ', 'ConvT = ', 'maxT = ', 'ESP = ', 'MMP = '] indices = [self.k_idx, self.totals_totals, convT_disp + t_units_disp, maxT_disp + t_units_disp, self.esp, self.mmp] for text, index in zip(texts, indices): rect = QtCore.QRect(x1*3.5, y1, x1*4, self.label_height) qp.drawText(rect, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft, text + index) vspace = self.label_height if platform.system() == "Windows": vspace += self.label_metrics.descent() y1 += vspace ## middle-right column y1 = self.ylast + self.tpad texts = ['WNDG = ', 'TEI = ', '3CAPE = ', 'MBURST = ', '', 'SigSvr = '] indices = [self.wndg, self.tei, tab.utils.INT2STR(, tab.utils.INT2STR(, '', self.sigsevere + ' m3/s3'] for text, index in zip(texts, indices): rect = QtCore.QRect(x1*6, y1, x1*4, self.label_height) qp.drawText(rect, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft, text + index) vspace = self.label_height if platform.system() == "Windows": vspace += self.label_metrics.descent() y1 += vspace self.ylast = y1 qp.drawLine(0, y1+2, self.brx, y1+2) qp.drawLine(x1*7-5, y1+2, x1*7-5, self.bry ) ## lapserate window y1 = self.ylast + self.tpad texts = ['Sfc-3km AGL LR = ', '3-6km AGL LR = ', '850-500mb LR = ', '700-500mb LR = '] indices = [self.lapserate_3km + ' C/km', self.lapserate_3_6km + ' C/km', self.lapserate_850_500 + ' C/km', self.lapserate_700_500 + ' C/km'] for text, index in zip(texts, indices): rect = QtCore.QRect(rpad, y1, x1*8, self.label_height) qp.drawText(rect, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft, text + index) vspace = self.label_height if platform.system() == "Windows": vspace += self.label_metrics.descent() y1 += vspace
[docs] def drawConvectiveIndices(self, qp): ''' This handles the drawing of the parcel indices. Parameters ---------- qp: QtGui.QPainter object ''' ## initialize a white pen with thickness 2 and a solid line pen = QtGui.QPen(self.fg_color, 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) qp.setFont(self.label_font) ## make the initial x pixel coordinate relative to the frame ## width. x1 = self.brx / 8 y1 = self.ylast + self.tpad ## get the indices rounded to the nearest int, conver to strings ## Start with the surface based parcel. capes = np.empty(4, dtype="S10") # Only allow 4 parcels to be displayed cins = np.empty(4, dtype="S10") lcls = np.empty(4, dtype="S10") lis = np.empty(4, dtype="S10") lfcs = np.empty(4, dtype="S10") els = np.empty(4, dtype="S10") texts = self.pcl_types for i, key in enumerate(texts): parcel = self.parcels[key] capes[i] = tab.utils.INT2STR(parcel.bplus) # Append the CAPE value cins[i] = tab.utils.INT2STR(parcel.bminus) lcls[i] = tab.utils.INT2STR(parcel.lclhght) lis[i] = tab.utils.INT2STR(parcel.li5) lfcs[i] = tab.utils.INT2STR(parcel.lfchght) els[i] = tab.utils.INT2STR(parcel.elhght) ## Now that we have all the data, time to plot the text in their ## respective columns. ## PCL type pcl_index = 0 for i, text in enumerate(texts): self.bounds[i,0] = y1 if text == self.pcl_types[self.skewt_pcl]: pen = QtGui.QPen(self.pcl_sel_color, 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) pcl_index = i else: pen = QtGui.QPen(self.fg_color, 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) rect = QtCore.QRect(0, y1, x1*2, self.label_height) qp.drawText(rect, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, text) vspace = self.label_height if platform.system() == "Windows": vspace += self.label_metrics.descent() y1 += vspace self.bounds[i,1] = y1 ## CAPE y1 = self.ylast + self.tpad for i, text in enumerate(capes): try: if pcl_index == i and int(text) >= 4000: color = self.alert_colors[5] elif pcl_index == i and int(text) >= 3000: color = self.alert_colors[4] elif pcl_index == i and int(text) >= 2000: color = self.alert_colors[3] else: color=self.fg_color except: color=self.fg_color pen = QtGui.QPen(color, 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) rect = QtCore.QRect(x1*1, y1, x1*2, self.label_height) qp.drawText(rect, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, bytes(text).decode('utf-8')) vspace = self.label_height if platform.system() == "Windows": vspace += self.label_metrics.descent() y1 += vspace ## CINH y1 = self.ylast + self.tpad for i, text in enumerate(cins): try: if int(capes[i]) > 0 and pcl_index == i and int(text) >= -50: color = self.pcl_cin_lo_color elif int(capes[i]) > 0 and pcl_index == i and int(text) >= -100: color = self.pcl_cin_md_color elif int(capes[i]) > 0 and pcl_index == i and int(text) < -100: color = self.pcl_cin_hi_color else: color = self.fg_color except: color = self.fg_color pen = QtGui.QPen(color, 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) rect = QtCore.QRect(x1*2, y1, x1*2, self.label_height) qp.drawText(rect, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, bytes(text).decode('utf-8')) vspace = self.label_height if platform.system() == "Windows": vspace += self.label_metrics.descent() y1 += vspace ## LCL y1 = self.ylast + self.tpad for i, text in enumerate(lcls): try: if int(text) < 1000 and pcl_index == i and texts[i] == "ML": color = self.pcl_cin_lo_color elif int(text) < 1500 and pcl_index == i and texts[i] == "ML": color = self.pcl_cin_md_color elif int(text) < 2000 and pcl_index == i and texts[i] == "ML": color = self.pcl_cin_hi_color else: color = self.fg_color except: color=self.fg_color pen = QtGui.QPen(color, 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) rect = QtCore.QRect(x1*3, y1, x1*2, self.label_height) qp.drawText(rect, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, bytes(text).decode('utf-8')) vspace = self.label_height if platform.system() == "Windows": vspace += self.label_metrics.descent() y1 += vspace pen = QtGui.QPen(self.fg_color, 1, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) ## LI y1 = self.ylast + self.tpad for text in lis: rect = QtCore.QRect(x1*4, y1, x1*2, self.label_height) qp.drawText(rect, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, bytes(text).decode('utf-8')) vspace = self.label_height if platform.system() == "Windows": vspace += self.label_metrics.descent() y1 += vspace ## LFC y1 = self.ylast + self.tpad for text in lfcs: rect = QtCore.QRect(x1*5, y1, x1*2, self.label_height) qp.drawText(rect, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, bytes(text).decode('utf-8')) vspace = self.label_height if platform.system() == "Windows": vspace += self.label_metrics.descent() y1 += vspace ## EL y1 = self.ylast + self.tpad for text in els: rect = QtCore.QRect(x1*6, y1, x1*2, self.label_height) qp.drawText(rect, QtCore.Qt.TextDontClip | QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, bytes(text).decode('utf-8')) vspace = self.label_height if platform.system() == "Windows": vspace += self.label_metrics.descent() y1 += vspace self.ylast = y1 qp.drawLine(0, y1+2, self.brx, y1+2) color=QtGui.QColor('#996633') pen = QtGui.QPen(color, .5, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) qp.drawLine(2, self.bounds[self.skewt_pcl,0]-1, x1*6 + x1*2 - 1, self.bounds[self.skewt_pcl,0]-1) qp.drawLine(2, self.bounds[self.skewt_pcl,0]-1, 2, self.bounds[self.skewt_pcl,1]) qp.drawLine(2, self.bounds[self.skewt_pcl,1], x1*6 + x1*2 - 1, self.bounds[self.skewt_pcl,1]) qp.drawLine(x1*6 + x1*2 -1 , self.bounds[self.skewt_pcl,0]-1, x1*6 + x1*2 -1, self.bounds[self.skewt_pcl,1])
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, e): pos = e.pos() for i, bound in enumerate(self.bounds): if bound[0] < pos.y() and bound[1] > pos.y(): self.skewt_pcl = i self.ylast = self.label_height pcl_to_pass = self.parcels[self.pcl_types[self.skewt_pcl]] self.updatepcl.emit(pcl_to_pass) self.clearData() self.plotBackground() self.plotData() self.update() self.parentWidget().setFocus() break
class SelectParcels(QtWidgets.QWidget): def __init__(self, parcel_types, parent): QtWidgets.QWidget.__init__(self) self.thermo = parent self.parcel_types = parcel_types self.max_pcls = 4 self.pcl_count = 0 self.initUI() def initUI(self): = QtWidgets.QCheckBox('Surface-Based Parcel', self), 20) if "SFC" in self.parcel_types: self.pcl_count += 1 = QtWidgets.QCheckBox('100 mb Mixed Layer Parcel', self), 40) if "ML" in self.parcel_types: self.pcl_count += 1 self.fcst = QtWidgets.QCheckBox('Forecast Surface Parcel', self) self.fcst.move(20, 60) if "FCST" in self.parcel_types: self.fcst.toggle() self.pcl_count += 1 self.fcst.stateChanged.connect(self.changeParcel) = QtWidgets.QCheckBox('Most Unstable Parcel', self), 80) if "MU" in self.parcel_types: self.pcl_count += 1 self.eff = QtWidgets.QCheckBox('Effective Inflow Layer Parcel', self) self.eff.move(20, 100) if "EFF" in self.parcel_types: self.eff.toggle() self.pcl_count += 1 self.eff.stateChanged.connect(self.changeParcel) self.usr = QtWidgets.QCheckBox('User Defined Parcel', self) self.usr.move(20, 120) if "USER" in self.parcel_types: self.usr.toggle() self.pcl_count += 1 self.usr.stateChanged.connect(self.changeParcel) self.setGeometry(300, 300, 250, 180) self.setWindowTitle('Show Parcels') self.ok = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Ok', self) self.ok.move(20,150) self.ok.clicked.connect(self.okPushed) #cb.stateChanged.connect(self.changeTitle) #cb.stateChanged.connect( def changeParcel(self, state): if state == QtCore.Qt.Checked: self.pcl_count += 1 else: self.pcl_count -= 1 def okPushed(self): if self.pcl_count > self.max_pcls: msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setText("You can only show 4 parcels at a time.\nUnselect some parcels.") msgBox.exec_() elif self.pcl_count != self.max_pcls: msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setText("You need to select 4 parcels to show. Select some more.") msgBox.exec_() else: self.parcel_types = [] if is True: self.parcel_types.append('SFC') if is True: self.parcel_types.append('ML') if self.fcst.isChecked() is True: self.parcel_types.append('FCST') if is True: self.parcel_types.append('MU') if self.eff.isChecked() is True: self.parcel_types.append('EFF') if self.usr.isChecked() is True: self.parcel_types.append('USER') self.thermo.pcl_types = self.parcel_types self.thermo.skewt_pcl = 0 self.thermo.ylast = self.thermo.label_height pcl_to_pass = self.thermo.parcels[self.thermo.pcl_types[self.thermo.skewt_pcl]] self.thermo.updatepcl.emit(pcl_to_pass) self.thermo.clearData() self.thermo.plotBackground() self.thermo.plotData() self.thermo.update() self.thermo.parentWidget().setFocus() self.hide() if __name__ == '__main__': app_frame = QtGui.QApplication([]) #tester = plotText(['sfcpcl', 'mlpcl', 'mupcl']) tester = plotBackgroundText() #tester.setProf() app_frame.exec_()